Harry Styles imagine

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Ana p.o.v.

It's two days since i won the tickets with my best friend. I'm super excited and can't believe i actually get to go backstage. This will be the first one direction concert I'll have gone to every. My favorite has to be Harry Styles. I'm a huge fan.

"Ana come downstairs." Mom says as i turn off my phone and head down. "If u are going to that concert this morning i want u to have eaten." "Ok mom i was just doing something in my room." I say as i contemplate what to wear in my head while eating. When u are done u go back upstairs to get dressed. 'Only ten minutes til show time.' I remind myself. I through some tight black skinny jeans on and a one direction crop top. 'This will have to do.' I say as i step out the front door to my best friend, Josies car after putting on some make up.

' I say as i step out the front door to my best friend, Josies car after putting on some make up

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"Can u believe what is happening today!" She yells as i jump in. "No way. I'm super excited!" I yell matching her tone. I buckle up and she pulls out as we head to the arena which is litterally ten minutes away. "U got everything!" She yells at me excitedly. "Yup." I say back to a Josie who is all ready to go meet the band of our dreams.

The concert was about two hours and i loved every second of it. Jumping up and down made me super thirsty as we walked backstage to meet them. "I'm really thirsty." U whisper to your friend as u walk backstage. "Too late." She whispers back anxiously. "Here u go their in this room." The person who led us down says as she walks away. "U ready?" I say as me and Josie look at each other. We were the last one in line so we had a little more time to talk. Josie opens the door and we walk in to see them all sitting on one couch joking around. "Hello I'm Jodie and this is Ana my bff." Jodie says almost bursting into tears. That's Jodie the big drama bug. "Hey!" Each one of them say as they offer us a seat on the couch. I notice that Harry is nowhere to be seen. As we sit i hear Liam say "Where is Harry." As one of the boys answer with in the bathroom. As u talk with them about anything Harry steps out into the room. "Hey ma-" but stops as he awkwardly looks at ME! "Um im gonna go get a drink." u say as u get up awkwardly. "Oh no. Take mine." Harry says as he hands me a half filled water bottle. I stop and take the water from him. 'Did Harry Styles just give me a water bottle he drank out of?' Wow this day is going great' i think to myself. "Ok. Anybody want to play truth or dare. We have time." Louis says as we all agree. We sit in a circle as louis starts. I am seated with Josie on one side of me and Liam on the other. As we play we are all asked stupid questions and stupid dares. And i notice Harry is right across from me the whole time staring at me. "Ana, truth or dare?" Niall asks me smirking. "Truth." I say as i smile back. "Which one of us is your favorite. And has been since u started liking us." He says as i frown at him. 'Ugh this really had to happen.' I think as i awkwardly shift. "Do i have to answ-" but right as i was ganna finish i was cut off by Josie. "That's easy she loves Harry. It's always been her favorite. Since the day i showed her u guys." She says almost yelling. I push her as i turn a deep red. "Um..." i say as everyone oohhhss and aaaawwws. 'Oh great.' I think. It was silent but that silence was broken by Niall. "Harry truth or dare?" He asks. "Dare." Harry says as he smiles at me. "I dare u and Ana to go outside for ten minutes alone." He says as everyone looks at me and Harry. We both walk out in awkward silence. "So. I'm sorry about the guys there really something." He says smirking. "No it's. It's actually nice getting to spend time with u and I'd imagine u think so to with the way i were staring at me." I say seeing him blush. "Ok u caught me. And i caught you." He says reffering to him being my favorite as he inches his face only centimeters away. I immediately go into a trance that made my stomach knot and twist as our lips met. I gladly kissed him back we fell to the ground with me on top of him. It was amazing. I couldn't even believe it. "Times up." Liam says standing there with a grin on his face. I got off of him and we just looked at each other as Liam left us. "Um. A, Ana it would mean alot to me if u could come with us on tour." He asked as i jumped into his arms. I knew that there was no other person that could replace him.

Harry p.o.v.

I asked her it and didn't even know how much i needed her. I just couldn't replace that feeling she gave me when our lips met. I couldn't replace her for anything.


Hey, hope u liked how this turned out and i get plenty more requests.

Love ya!

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