He meets you -Niall

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You are standing there. Of course it had to happen to you. Bad things always happen to you. She was the one good thing in your life and a simple argument in the mall food court changed that.

As you walk to a bench and sit down thinking about your best friend that just left you. She was starting to get a little annoying anyway. You sigh in defeat. Lets face it life hasn't exactly gone as how you planned it when your mom and dad kick you out of the house at 15 cause they just don't care.

Oh well.

You hear a grumble as my stomach growls. Ugh. She had helped pay for me and everything. Now you am just an eighteen year old sitting with empty pockets in a food court full of people. You glance up as i am holding my stomach.

"Um may i sit here." The blonde boy says in an Irish accent. "Uh sure. Have at it." You say as he sits beside me and i take out my phone. You can feel his blue eyes watching you. Your stomach growls again as you smell his french fries that he hasn't even eaten out of yet. "Uh, do you want some?" He asks sweetly. You turn your head to get better look at him.

He had blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin with a light tan and he was hand ing you his fries. "Oh, I'm fine." You smile at him but he insists so you take a few. "You're really pretty." He says blushing a bit. I smile. That has to be the first time someone said that to me. "Why thank you." I grin.

"Niall!" I hear someone call as a brown haired man walks over. "Niall, we were looking for you. Who's this?" He asks curiously. "Oh Liam this is um." Niall, obviously, says as you cut him off. "Y/N." You say as you smile. "Well y/n seeing as you have taken i liking to Niall. Would you like to join us?" He asks as i blush. "Uh i don't have any-"

"Uh. I would be more than happy to pay for you." Niall says as the brown haired man walks away. "Well. Thanks." You say as you blush. "Oh and i wanted to a ask you something." Niall says as you both get up. "Can i a k-ki." But before he could finish you placed your lips gently on his, smiling into the kiss.

Best day ever.

Hey, just thought of this cute idea and decided to wright it. Hope you like it<3

Livy, ily

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