Your boyfriend breaks up with you (Niall)

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Teresa p.o.v.

"What!" I say looking at my boyfriend of one year that wants to break up. "Look if you can't go all the way with me, then I don't wanna do this anymore!" he shouts slamming his fist into his apartment wall. "You just want sex don't you. That's all right?" I question as he glares. "Yeah I do, and your the opposite so get out." he says sternly.

I glare at him and walk out. As I walk down the hall I sink to the floor as I realize he was the only one who loved me, well used too. I loved him." I start crying as I sit on the floor a dark lonely feeling consuming me. There is only one person out of my friends that isn't busy tonight. Harry is on a date, Louis is bulling with a friend, Liam is going to the theaters, and Zayn is out with Gi Gi. That leaves one person, Niall. Our friendship ain't that great. He actually hates me. But stupid dumb me would never talk back cause since the beginning I've liked him. His cute accent, appetite, rowdiness, innocence. Well, sometimes. Anyways I've liked him forever, but of course. He doesn't like me.

I wipe my tears to clean up but I just start crying again. I have nowhere to sleep I just moved in with Toby, my boyfriend. Damn this! I get up and go to floor thirteen, where Nialls is. Maybe he will have pity. I get there and knock three times.

I hear him coming as my stomach twists. He might just shut the door in my face. "Yes?" Niall says opening the door. "C-can I p-lease come in-n." I ask starting to cry again. "Oh my gosh yeah Teresa." he says surprising me. I walk in and sit curled on his couch. "So, uh what happened, did you get drunk." Niall says joking, it only made me feel worse. "No Niall Toby just broke up with me cause all he wants is sex!" I say sternly having enough of his jokes. I observe him. He is wearing blue basketball shirts and a white tank, his hair is a mess and he looks tired, cute. No, adorable.

"I just wanna go to sleep." I say laying. "Wow okay then." he says in defense. He then walks to his room. I sit alone. Thinking of all the great times Toby and i had. I start tearing up, why why me?

I drift to sleep holding back tears.

As I woke up I just start crying again. Yes, I do know it's three am. but I can't help it. I have no one now. I bury my face in a pillow sitting up slightly and crying.

I get startled when I feel someone sit by me and start rubbing my head. I just collapse onto his chest sobbing. "I thought he loved me." I breath out. "Sh, its fine." Niall says as I look up. "Why are you doing this. You don't care. You hate me." I say sitting up. "No I don't Teresa, come you've got to like someone other than Toby that you maybe like like." He says.

I chuckle slightly. "No you never liked me, don't deny that you hate me. That's okay, I don't blame you." I say collapsing into his chest again just for comfort. He smelt good, like, spice and cinnamon. "Hey, I don't hate you. I just, well, I didn't think you minded my teasing. And I would never use you." he says seriously. "Well, im glad you don't hate me then." I smile a bit feeling better by his comforting.

"Now come on don't you like anyone else." I become shy as he asks. "Well, I know one person. But I don't think he would like me. " I say as he looks confused. "Hm?" he says interested. "Well, h-he's, uh, he's funny, likes to eat, I've always thought he was so adorable, he's gentle and I've always wanted his gentleness for some reason, he is sometimes rowdy, but not allot. He smells like cinnamon and spice, and I feel butterflies whenever I'm next to him. But he'll never like me." I confess sitting up all the way.

"Teresa. Come here." Niall says opening his arms. What? I slowly go by him as he pulls me on his lap. "W-what are you doing." I ask after he is just rocking me. It feels incredible, like he cares. "Well, I am giving you my gentleness. And I will always, cause I have never liked someone more in my life. And I hope one day I can be like this mystery guy." he says making me giggle. Niall smirks. "Niall you are him, I like you." I say giggling. "I know, but it sounds a hell of allot better when you say it." He says as he leans forward crashing our lips together with what seems excitement. I smile knowing everything will be okay.


Okay so this one is for teresa_the_nerd hope you like it. I tried really hard to male it great!

Ily all,

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