Fetus Cuddles (Michael) part 2

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"Me." He says with a startled expression. "You like me." you look at your hands as he lets them go. You sigh. "Look I know I probably just mess-" you say but are suddenly tackled on the bed.

You come out of la la land and notice he tackled you in a hug. "I like you too y/n. I've been waiting so long for you to realize." he says as you smile. Mikey breaks the hug and sits holding your hands once more. "I can't believe this. I thought you always liked Luke." He says as a look of confusion take place on my face. "Luke?" you say in surprise. "Ah, yeah, you guys always hang." he say pointing out the few times you went shopping with Luke. "He's like a brother to me Mikey." you say as he smiles.

He then looks down in embarrassment. "Wow, this is awesome." you chuckle at his excitedness. "Mikey I'm not that special. I honestly think I'm too ugly for any of you." you say in all truth. "What. Y/n you are gorgeous! How can you think I wouldn't have taken you." he asks as you gulp. "Mikey, you know. Sometimes you get really mad at me and you were always so special to me." you admit as his expression softens.

"Y/n, you know out of all people my temper. It's kinda harsh sometimes. But i would never think you're ugly. Ever." he says as I sit on his lap and snuggle my head in his chest. "Thank you Mikey." you say as he smiles and kisses you on the top of your head. "Thank you y/n." he says as you cuddle in his soft hold like a baby kitten. After a while he put on a movie and you both snuggled on your bed.

So so sorry this took so long.

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