Secret Crush (Ashton)

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Because im having such a freakin Ashton day......

It is an ordinary day at home.....


That's right 5sos is coming to your house to stay a week. Why? Well, your their best friend of course. Always have been.

But there is one little problem, yeah. You and Ashton kinda got into a huge fight the day they left a month ago. Yuppers, it was pretty heated.


"No! Ashton!" you shout slamming your fist on the table. "You can't just fucking mind your own business!" you continue as Ashton clenches his jaw.

Yeah, okay, this whole fight is about You going on a date with one of Ashtons friends. You couldn't help it, its not like you were a hungry to hook up wore, you just got frustrated that your best friend Ashton started dating your friend. Then you met Gavin and he was pretty hot and you were in breakdown mode cause yes, you definently liked Ashton ALLOT.

"Y/N what were you even thinking, he is a cheater! He'll break you!" Ash growls walking up to you. But you back away just as quick. "I said there is nothing official yet Ash!" You poke back. "Yeah, yet!" He says flailing his hands in the air. "Ashton just leave me alone! Your so freaking annoying you know that!" You say curling your fingers into fists turning your knuckles white as fresh snow.

"Wow. Im just looking out for! And fine, im leaving anyways tomorrow on tour so if im that annoying than you will be rid of me!" He says whipping out the door before I could see his full face.

Flashback ends*

I instantly felt guilty the day after. With only a single text from Ashton saying "Goodbye:'/" But you never answered. And to this day, you still didn't know why. And yes, your crush on Ashton is sorta still there. You don't know really. I mean you know he broke up with his gf a while back but.....

A harsh knock on your house door interrupts your sad thoughts and you jump to your feet nervous but still excited to see all the boys!

As you rush to the door you forget that your still in your pajamas and your hair is messy. "Hey!" they all screamat once as Luke hugs you then Calum, then Michael squeezes you really hard and you giggle. "Whereas the slow poke?" You ask as you notice Ashton isn't here. "Oh hes out getting our bags." Luke informs you as you scowl. "Now c'mon guys, help your mate." You scold as they pout and run back out to haul their stuff in.

They know their rooms and all so you head to the kitchen, which is in your remodeled basement. Its basically the third story to your home.

You start setting the upstairs table with Nutella and toast and then you go down to make eggs. While they are cooking you head to your room, which is also in the basement, and fix yourself up a bit.

No not to impress Ashton.


Well, maybe a little....

As u step out and head to the kitchen/TV couch room u see him coming down the stairs. Ashton Fletcher Irwin looking as hot as ever. You gulp as you greet him with a nod. "Hey, Y/N." he says shyly. "Hi." u answer back also shy. There is an awkward silence and staring.

"Um, the boys pushed me downstairs on the couches." he says awkwardly placing his bedding on a much to small couch for him. "Oh, you don't have to sleep on a couch, you'll never fit, length wise." I clarified. "Go ahead and sleep on my bed. Your tired from tour anyways. " I offer. He smiles. "No its ok I wouldn't want you on the couch." "if you insist." you shrug as he walks over to you.

"Im sorry about what happened before we left Y/N." he says looking into your eyes with his damn puppy dog ones. You swallow. "No Ashton, im sorry. He was a jerk and u were right. Plus, I like somebody else." you say for sure knowing now that you truly loved Ashton and only would ever love Ashton Irwin.

His face is one of defeat as he slunks against the counter. "Oh really, that's good to hear." he says as you turn confused. He really doesn't recognize.

"Yeah." you mumble looking down. He will never love u the way you do. "Well." he sighs turning and taking a step away from you. But before you could ask him why he turned around a pair of soft nice lips stopped you.
Ashton Irwin is kissing you!

It doesn't take long for you to start kissing back and then you realize. "Ash what is that for." u say pushing away confused. As much as u loved the kiss. "Y/N I can't let someone elsetake you away again. Please, be mine." you can't believe what Ashton is saying. He likes you, he has all along!

"Whatever you say." you smirk as he connects your lips once more. You smile into the passionate heated kiss knowing your dreams have come true!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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