His mum dies (Louis)

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Louis p.o.v.

I walk into the flat after getting flying in from mums funeral. I can't believe she's gone. She was the best mum ever and the greatest friend. We did everything together when I was young. I showed her every reward we won everything. Now I can't show her that anymore. The moment she died, half of my heart left two.

I look around to see Zayn, yes Zayn is here cause he flew over, is sitting on a chair tapping his phone case nervously eyes a little red, well all their eyes were. Niall and his girlfriend, Gabriela, are snuggled together not saying a word and Harry, who it looks like he just got here, is talking to Liam in the kitchen, and also Maddie, my best friend well all ours but mostly mine.

The first ones who notice me are Niall and Gabby. They run up and embrace me. I try not to break down when Zayn came up and hugged me, as well as Liam and Harry, cause I didn't wanna do that infront of Maddie. Yeah I like her, allot maybe.

When all except Maddie hugs me they leave to Harrys bedroom to cue up a movie to help my mind calm down. The all leave bite my lip as she walks up. Maddie gets to me and brushes my hand in a kind of way that reminds me of my mum and that's all it takes to make me break. God, how am I gonna live through this.

She hugs me tight as I cry. "I miss her." I say in a weak hoarse voice. I pull my head up to look her in her beautiful brown eyes. "I know Louis. We all do. She loved you so much Louis." Maddie says crying a bit too. "But its gonna be okay." she coos. "I miss mum." was all I could say. It was all I was feeling.

She hugs me again. "Lou your mum was very proud of who you've become, she still gonna be watching up there. Remember what she always said Lou," she says lifting my head up. "Remember. She would always say, if there something gone wrong, just hold on, its gonna be fine." Maddie repeats my mums words and my heart aches.

I look into her eyes and cry. "Why." I say. That's what my question is. Why did she have to get cancer. "Lou no one knows why. You just have to trust everything gonna be fine.

I look in her eyes as I lean forward. She is the best friend ever, but I want her to be more. Maddie also starts leaning in, she is perfect and if mum wanted me to be with anyone, she would always say, pick her. I meet my lips to hers in a kiss that took away some of the pain. I slip my tongue in into the passionate heart clenching kiss.

This is what ive been waiting for for about a year now.

We pull apart out of breath and she has an unreadable expression on. "You're gonna be fine." she coos again. She meets our lips once more making the feeling of butterflies and sparks fly again. I hug her waist tight in the feeling that i could lose her anytime too. And as we part I know im certain.

"I'll be fine if your with me." I say lifting her chin. She smiles excitedly. "In a more than friends way, i love you Maddie."

I can't believe I said that out loud. Finally. She smiles and snakes her arms around my neck. "I love you too, Louis."

Poor Louis aw. Anyways I made this for him right now. Hope you all like.
Ily all byyee

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