Fetus Cuddles (Michael) -part 1

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He is 15 and you are 14.

You sit on the bathroom counter waiting for your best friend Mikey to get done doing his hair for a show. You sigh kicking your feet against the cabinets below. He sighs trying desperately to get the fringe you usually help him do. "Mikey are you sure. I can do it." you ask as he sighs. "Y/N, we discussed this! I can do my hair!" He yells making you slip off the counter startled.

"Ouch, okay. It's just, you know your gonna need my help in-" you start to tease him as he groans. "Y/n! Just go out!" He says as your teasy smile turns to an upset face. "Okay wow." you mutter as you go out into his bedroom. You sit on his bed and sigh. After a while of scrolling on Facebook you decide to head to the café were the concert is. You pass by Mikeys sis's room. "If Mikey comes out, tell him im at the cafe." you mutter as she looks up. She's eighteen and is super pretty. "Sure. See ya layer y/n." she says cheerfully as you go out and start walking to the cafe.


At last you get there and see Ash, Cal pal, and Lukey setting up. You go to every one of their shows. Ever since they started a few months ago. You loved them, Ash was funny, Cal was funny and annoying but cute, Luke was always the shy nice handsome one, and Mikey, your favorite, you and him met in kindergarten and have been friends since. Your always there for him, even if it may seem like he is having a man period sometimes.

"Hey sweetie." Ash says as you walk up smiling. "Oh y/n. Where is Mikey?" Cal asks as you frown a bit remembering your quarrel. "Oh, he should be here." you say shrugging and going to an empty table. Your only friends are the boys, you don't mind, I wouldn't want a girly girlfriend anyway. Right as it turns seven pm you see Mikey come in. He somehow managed to half do his own fringe. But it was still rough. I see him arguing with Ash before Ash has to pull him on stage. There a lot of people here, like usual.

"This one is a cover from Blink 182, it's called Miss You." Luke says as Ashton starts on the box drum, coujon. You sing along being as you know all there songs.

The hour goes by fast and soon the boys are signing some stuff and people have left. "Bravo again. Just don't forget about me when you are gone and famous." you say as that chuckle packing up. "Never." Cal says winking. "Thanks." you say helping pack up like normal. "So if your walking home I'll walk with you. Or you know what, go to my house and I'll meet you there we'll get this." Mikey says as I look down. "No I think I'm gonna head home Mikey."

"No, I mean, no don't I need to tell you something." he says with pleading eyes. You simply can't resist Michael Clifford eyes, and if you can, your heartless. But the best things are his cuddles. "Okay." you sigh in defeat as you grab your purse bidding goodbye to the others.

You sit on his bed once more scrolling through Twitter now. You collapse as you intake his fresh cleaning room. It was actually surprisingly smelt good. Like, mikey. And you kinda like that smell. "Heyyyy." Mikey says coming in and dragging the y out. You can't hold back smile. You sit up and watch as he puts his guitar down. "Okay why did you leave early?" he asks sitting infront of me on the bed. "I mean I've gotten upset at you before and you know my hair gets me frustrated sometimes, so, why have you been so sad lately. And not just today." he says taking your hands in his. A simple act of friendship. You then look him in his big green orbs and sigh looking down once more. "It's you Michael," you sigh. "I think I'm starting to like, like you."


Whoop whoop!there we go. Sorry I had to right this. I had really bad Mikey feels today. There will be a part 2, so stay tuned lol.


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