Frenemys -Louis

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Haileys p.o.v.


Yes that is what Louis is. My frenemy. We love acting like enemy's always pranking each other, dareing, goofing around. Anything fun, we do it. But lately something is getting in my way. I have started to develop feelings for the goofy idiot.

"I'm here!" I hear an all to familiar voice say. "Louis." I yell as my bff Harry glares at me. Ugh he never allows us to be loud in his flat. I run to him trying to pinch his nose. That's what we do to each other anytime we meet. "Gotcha." I say as i boop him on the nose. "Aw you always win." He pouts as he growls tackling me and tickling me on the floor. "Oh stop. Stop Lou." I yell as the tickling becomes unbearable.

"Shut up." Harry screams as Liam comes in. "Hey Li." I say as he smirks and waves. We get up and clean off and walk to where everyone is, playfully bumping shoulders all the while. While we are walking there he looks at me and just smiles. I look back and smile. We stay like that for a while and i look away giggling. Ah he is so cute. Basically the reason i love to rough house with him is because i get to be close to him then. And i love being his frenemy.

I walk in and sit by Niall. But as soon as Louis looks at me and pouts i huff over and sit by him acting like i don't want to. Lol. "You are so clingy.' I say as he acts like he's crying. "Wow, are you guys ever just gonna get married." Niall says as it is now the boys time to laugh. The thought of being married to Louis made a big smile appear on my face. Louis just blushed. "Shut up. Hailey doesn't like me like that." He says as i look away.

"Uh i don't know about that, ask her." Harry says cheekily. Oh no. No. Lou turns to me and looks me in the eye. I stiffen under his gaze. "You don't have a crush on me, Hailey. Tell'em." He says. Silence overcomes the room as each and every one of the boys smile cheekily at me. Except Louis who has an expression on i can't quite make out. "Hailey?" He asks again.

"Well if i say no......" i say as i give up and look him the his big greenish blue eyes. "That would be a lie." Before i know it is out of my mouth. Louis looks amazed. "Y-you. Like. Me." He says pointing to himself. I nod my head yes. Louis just looks at Zayn who is in front of him. "She likes me." He says, a small smile appears on his face. Does he like me or not. I'm frozen. Zayn nods and the boys laugh. He looks at me and smiles. "All this time i thought you wouldn't like me if i told you i liked you. But, you did like me. You do." He says. And before i can say yes his lips connect to mine as everyone sighs. "Geez finally.' Harry says as i enjoy the soft yet passionate kiss.

We part and we both just smile. Till Louis talks. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks as i grin. "if we can be girlfrenemy and boyfrenemy." I say as he laughs and i giggle. My jokes are always corny but he loves them.

"Sure." He smiles as we kiss once more.


I'm dedicating this one to one of my friends on here. shitsandashsgiggles this one is for u. Hope you like it.

Ily all. Livy <3

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