Daddy Direction (Liam)

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Your p.o.v.

"Louis get your pants on, stop showing y/n your boxers. Come on guys we need to be on stage in two minutes. Zayn stop showing Niall stupid videos and get ready!" Liam yells as i giggle. "Y/N i don't see how this is funny." He says tickling me onto the couch. No, Liam and i aren't together, i wish we were though. He is so cute and ugh. He loves acting tough but I've always been there if he needs to break down sometimes.

I am friends with the boys and am on tour with them now. It's awesome. "Stop Li!" I yell as he keeps tickling me and is now straddling me. I blush but hide it with giggles. "No not till you say i love you." He says as i blush more and giggle. "Li come on." I whine as i take in how hot he looks smiling at me right now. "Nope say it." He says as i laugh. "Come on you two. Just get together already." Louis yells as Li glares at him. Shutup Lou." He says still tickling me. "Stop!" I yell as he smirks. "Never." He says as Niall and Zayn let out a couple ews. "We got a couple!" Harry shouts entering with his girlfriend and my good friend Rose. At this point I'm hurting so bad and out of breath. And it doesn't help at how cute he was hovering over me. So as soon as i catch my breath i do something i know he will stop tickling me for.

Just then i crash my lips into his and immediately fireworks go off. Best first kiss ever. Everything fades out as he starts kissing back as our tongues battle for dominance. I tug at his brown hair. Then we both pull apart out of breath. He is smiling the biggest smile ever. "Wow, i was not expecting that." Harry says as Rose elbows him. I giggle a bit still staring into Liams eyes. Just then he gets up and lends me a hand. I take it and stand up. He kneels in front of me and pulls out a box opening it as he speaks.
"Y/N, i really really like you, and i was gonna ask after the show, but since you sped things up i want to ask now. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks opening the box that has a ring that says 'Girlfriend' on it in pink.  "Yes and i don't like you Li." I say as he looks confused. "I freakin love you." I say as we join for another kiss. This time it is a passionate nice kiss. As we part a second time i smile as he looks at me weird. "What?" I ask as he grins. "No swearing." He says as i shut him up with another kiss.

So just thught I'd right this. Okay bye. Lol


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