He surprises you (Michael Clifford)

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Y/N p.o.v.

As you wake up you remember no one is coming over today so you throw on a flannel Michael let you borrow once and black lace panties and leave the flannel open all the way so you can see your bra. Hey. No one is coming, why not get comfortable. As you sit on my couch watching tv you see a text on my phone.

Michael Xx,
You doing anything today?

You look at the text from your best friend and smile. Mikey always makes me smile. Even more than Ashton does. Lol.

Nopers just sitting at home.

As i send the text you get up to get a drink. The boys usually are over all the time and you can't wear this around them, though you don't think they would mind. Ha. As you step out of the kitchen you almost drop your soda when you see Michael sitting on your couch.

"Y/n- Woah your not in anything." He shouts smiling  at me. I blush and shrug. "Oh gosh you caught me. Come on i can't just have one lazy day!" Shout as he walks over to you. He then hugs you and you hug back, resting your head on his shoulder. "I'm so tired." You groan. "Well, we don't have to invite the boys over." He says as he parts the hug looking into your eyes. "It can be just you and me today." He says as you smile. "That would be great!" You shout as you hug him, but quickly back away and correct yourself. "Yeah. Um, that will be fine." You whisper as he chuckles.

Now you are both snuggled on the couch and you have your head rested on his chest. "You are so cute Y/N." He says as you look up at him a bit confused. "What do you mean?" You ask as he chuckles again. "You are still in just my flannel." He says as you blush and bury your head in the crook of his neck. "Mikey. Why do you have to make me embarrassed." You whisper as he hugs you more. "Hey it's okay. Your beautiful without anything on." He says as you look down blushing still, except more. He then sits you up to where you are straddling him on his lap. "Y/N you're so beautiful and I'm glad we get to spend a day together. If that means i can be with you, the person i like." He says staring into your eyes. You are emotionless, just sitting there till you actually realize what he said. "You like me?" I ask amazed.

He chuckles and grins. "Yes Y/N. And it bugs me that you never realized it." He says looking down. "How i treated you special and asked Ashton what you're favorite kind of anything was and all that." He continues you lift his chin up and admire his cute pouty face. "Mikey. I may not have realized how you liked me, but, i realized a long time ago that I liked you." You say as he smiles and captures your lips on his in a passionate way. As the gentle kiss ends he joins again for a little bit of a hotter kiss and I'll spare you the rest.

Omg! So i have to say. That was super cute lol. Anyways just another to add to my book lol.


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