He's Clingy (Zayn)

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Your p.o.v.

Just a normal night at home relaxing with the boys. You were snuggled up to Harry waiting for Zayn to come back with the food. We ordered pizza. As you sit there watching the movie you get a text.

Miss you babe. Xx

At this you don't even reply. For some reason lately he has been really clingy. And it's getting a bit to much. At first you thought it was just a stage but then it lasted for like three weeks. "Was it Zayn?" Harry asks as you mumble a yeah. "I just, like, we have been together for a year. Why is he so clingy now?" You state as Harry shrugs. "I don't know why? It's Zayn." He says shrugging again. Ugh. You love Zayn with all your heart and you think it's cute 99.9% of the time he's clingy but that little other bi keeps getting to you.

"Where back." Niall yells as he runs in with bags of pizza. As Zayn comes in he immediately pats his lap sitting down. You think how it is a little annoying, but, HE'S JUST SO FREAKIN CUTE TOO!! So you smile and sit on his lap. "Okay well guess what?" Li says as he looks at Louis. "Louis forgot his phone at the pizza place so him, Niall and Harry are getting it." He says sitting as well. When they leave you lean into Zayns chest. "Oh, Danielle is calling me. I'm gonna be back in a half." He says smiling. Yougiggle.

As you play with Zayns hands around your waist he snuggles his head into the crook of your neck and sighs. "I love you so much Y/N." He sighs again. You get worried and decide now's the best time. "Zayn why are you being like this?" You sigh as he looks at you weird. "Being like what, i'm not being like anything, what. I'm not being clingy." He says guiltily as you look at him in a 'oh sure' way. "Zayn come on." You say as he looks away. "I'm not acting weird y/n." He mumbles as you make a pouty face.

"Zayn please tell me." You say as he looks you in the eye. "Fine." He sighs. "I'm afraid that you'll eventually get tired of having me as your boyfriend and then one day, i don't know. I know it sounds crazy but that's all that's been on my mind ever since i saw all those other guys on the red carpet i took you to three weeks ago. And then Justin Bieber was there trying to flirt with you and, i don't know." He finishes leaving you with your mouth hung open and eyes wide. "Zayn. First of all, don't ever say that i would ever think of ditching you for 'Justin Biever'. And second of all, there is not a single one of all those guys there that in my mind would of looked better than you. And third." I say as he smiles and i press our foreheads together. "You will have to get y/n repellent if you want to get me away and I'm pretty sure that is not even a thing." After saying all this he kisses you on the lips. "Your the best y/n." He says staring into my eyes.

"And you re better Zayn."

Aw anyways hope you Zaynies like it!!


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