he hurts u (Michael Clifford)

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Zia p.o.v.


Michael has been my friend forever. But. I really really like him. Speaking of Michael it is his birthday and i am actually at his house right now getting it ready for his party.

His uncle james will probably end up getting him drunk. Ugh.

"Michael tug harder. Your barely tugging." I giggle as we stretch the table cloth on the table. "I'm working Zia." He whines in an adorable way. "Ok let's get the cups and plates out and then they'll be here probably." I tell him as he pokes me.

Soon it is party time and i am now sitting listening to Ashtons lame jokes. Don't get me wrong. I love all the boys bbuuttt...sometimes. Ugh. I see Michael stumbling around. So i walk over to him about to tell him to call it a night. Being as it is now 11:00 pm. I'm so tired. I am lucky i haven't done anything i would regret. "Michael." I call as the music is loud. I know he has only had a few drinks and is most likely not that drunk.

As everyone finally leaves. Including a drunk Luke hemmings who tried to kiss me on the way out. Haha no. I guide Michael to the couch. But as i am walking him over i bump into his only family photo with his mum and his now dead dad and it cracks on the floor.

"Shit." I yell as he turns around. He loved that photo. "Zia. What the hell. I'm surprised peopke don't think your the drunk one." He yells startling u. "I'm so so sorry Michael i didn't know." U yell back. "Yeah right. Your no friend. Your a fat seflcentered shit." And with that i start crying as he doesn't even care. I run into my room.

After about an hour i slowly walk down stairs after reminding myself how hard it was for Michael when his dad died. I walk down and see a red eyed Michael on the couch. "Michael." I whisper. But he runs up to me and gives me a hug quickly.

"Zia i am so sorry. I'm a jerk. This has to be the first time i got mad at u. I'm sorry." He says crying. "Its okay Mikey. I forgive u and I'm sorry-" i say but am cut off by something pressing against my lips. Something soft. It took me a moment but i soon realized that. Michael was kissing me. Me!

"Zia i don't know if u feel the same way but. I love you." He whispers as our kiss broke.

"Michael. I love u too."

This one is for


Hope u love it.

Ily 5sosfamily!!!

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