My brothers friend (Ashton Irwin)

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Hailey hemmings p.o.v.

"Stop it!" I yell as my brother takes my phone. "Ugh you are so annoying Luke." I yell as i chase him into his room. I'm 17 but when someone takes my phone, i turn 2. "Okway u wittle bugger. Oh and lee." Thats what he always calls me. "I'm gonna have the lads over in a min."

"Ok." I pout. I love it when the lads are over. They are trying to make a band. "Oh and u can't be to obnoxious around Mikey, And Calum especially cause we are having a drummer come to try out." He says as smirk. I loved bickering and teaser Calum. He is such a teddy bear.

I walk into my room and am in the middle of putting eyeliner on when i am slammed on the my. I feel something heavy on me. I smirk. I know who it is. "MY ARCH NEMESIS!!" Cal shouts. I start tickling him. We go until Michael jumps on the pile.

"What are u doing." Luke shouts. "Sorry Luke." We all pout. We walk down the stairs gossiping jokeing about Luke. Until we get down and see someone in the door.


He had cute dimples, long brown hair, was pretty muscular, had bright green eyes. Oh wow.

Michael starts talking to him. I know Luke has been hanging out with him for a while. U could say they were best friends. But never in my life have i seen this hot man.

"Hailey this is Ashton. Our hopefully new drummer." I smile as Luke says this. Oh gosh. I think as he smiles at me. Hi." I barely whisper. "Hi Hailey." He says as he hugs me. I could almost feel his six pack.

At rehearsal i am sitting in a chair across from the band. In straight view of Ashton playing his now cajon, box drum. I hear Mikey tell a joke as they play and he let's out an over adoreable giggle. Omg. It was adorable. He looks ap and notices me staring. He winks quickly at me and i blush. Oh gosh. I cant help but think what i could do with this boy.

WOAH. What am i thinking. He is my brothers friend. I couldn't do that to Luke.

As we finish practice. We sit on the couch. Ashton quickly drags Luke off to the side. I wonder why. As Calum and i are teasing each other they walk in. Michael starts talking to them.

"Uh come on now kids can we please have quiet." Luke says as i blush and Calum smirks. "Sorry bout this Ash. They are the two that can't stop teasing and playing." Luke says.

"I think it's cute." Ashton says as i blush harder. Calum leans in to me when he sees me blushing. "You like Ashton don't you Hailey." He whispers. "Shut up Calum." I whisper back.

"HEY GUYS HAILEY LIKES ASHT-" but before he could finish i tackled him. Then get up. And notice that everyone is looking at me. And Ashton has a wide smirk on. oh shit!

" I'll get us something to eat." I quickly run to the kitchen. Oh my gosh. What has he done. He just ruined everything. Then i hear Ashton say something. "Um i need a drink I'll be back." Great the drinks are in here.

He walks in as i have my back turned putting chips in the bowl.

"Um." He says as i turn around. "Hi Ashton um." He cuts me off. "I just wanted to say." He says as he comes closer. Soon he is infront of me and just staring.

"What." I say not trying to sound rude. Soon enough he closes the gap inbetween us and we are suddenly,


I kiss back. It felt so good. Like one of those corny love movies. I loved it. I smile as i can now fully feel his dimples and six pack.

"Hailey i like you alot." He says as we brake it.

"I do too Ashton." I smile. "No." He says as he puts a finger on my lips. "Call me Ash, princess." He says tucking my hair behind my ear. I blush. I could share anything with him.

"I would love it if u would be my girlfriend." He says as i shake my head yes. "But what about Luke. " i gush out.

"I already asked him." Ash smiled as i kissed him once more.

This one goes to


Hope u like it.

Ily 5sos fam!!!

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