He is jealous (Calum)

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Erika p.o.v.

Just another day playing pokemon video games with Michael Clifford.  The game expert.

"Okay Erika. I'm. Gonna reach that plate of popcorn across from you and still play the game so move when i lung." He says as he is still very concentrated on the game and i giggle. He is hilarious, like a little kitten. And no we are are just friends. We have been for like three years. Honestly the one i like out of the lads is actually Calum Hood. Quiet, yet loud, yet attractive.

"Ok lunging." He says breaking my gamer concentration. He soon reaches the popcorn and shoves it down. We both fall into a fit of laughter and are soon on the floor tickling each other.

Yes! Of course Michael won.

"What are u two doing?!" Calum almost yells. "Calm down Calum we were having fun." Michael says as i giggle more. As all of us including Ashton and Luke sit and talk, i see Calum looking angrily at his phone. He currently has his shirt off. Why. Cause it's all of their day off.

He catches me sitting by Michael staring at his shirtless six pack. Omg! He is so hot. He glares and i look away. "Well i just decilated Erika at pokemon." Michael tells Luke as he brags about winning Michael once. I frown at him.

"Mikey i thought we had a connection." I pouted obviously faking. And he knew that. "Oh we do babe. I just-" he played along but i cut him off by talking. "No we are done Michael Gordon Clifford." I say as we all laugh at our little stunt.

We do this all the time. As Ashton goes on about how we should go into acting. Lol. My eyes drift to Calum. He is still mad on his phone. He looks at me and catches me again. Oh snap.

"Uhg. I'm going to bed." He says as i watch him walk up. But there was something wrong. Big tough boy Calum Hood, was, crying! "Guys do u think he's okay." I ask worried. "Erika he's fine." Luke groans.

"Ok." I say. What. Of course I'm not gonna believe them. He. Was. Crying. I excuse myself to go to the upstairs bathroom and walk past Calums room to hear more crying. And him talking to I'm guessing his highschool friend Jeff.

"Jeff she has no idea. She is better off with Michael. Jeff i love her. And she doesn't have the slightest idea." I hear as my stomach knots. Oh dear. "No I'm not gonna tell her how i feel." He says but then drops the phone as i walk in.

"You don't have to." I whisper.

"Oh shit. U were not supposed to hear that Erika." He says as i walk over and hug him. He falls to pieces in my arms on his bed. "Erika?" He says as i look at his brown puppy dog eyes.

"I love you." He says as he sits up straight. "I love u too Calum." I say as he smiles.

He then lifts my chin in his hands and softly presses our lips together closing the gap that has been there till now.


Hope u like it Erika.



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