How you meet (Luke)

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It is a Sunday afternoon and you decided to go to Panda Express. Tho it had a really long line and you were in last, you loved their food.

It is quiet in the back and you liked that, until a few teenage boys rudely bursted in. But you didn't bother looking at them, you just kept humming the song playing through your earbuds. "Heyyy ay ay ayyy Heyyy..." it was she looks so perfect and you loved that song so you started humming a bit loud.

"No you got that last time get what Im getting." a boy said. You am starting get irritated allot, they've been joking and stuff for a while now. You put in my other earbud.

And it was fine. Till about a minute later when you felt someone shove me forward. They were joking around and shoved one of them into me. Steaming, you plucked out my earbuds and turned to face the obnoxious boys.

"Oh my god I am so sorry I didn't mean to, well, he pushed me into you."

You couldn't believe my own eyes. You have been insulting 5 seconds of summer for about five minutes. They were right behind you, the whole time.

The look of shock you had on my face made Lukes hand drop from pointing towards Calum. "Y-you guys," you say as they all look confused. "Yeah and we are sorry we are being loud." Ashton says obviously the only one noticing the glaring looks.

"No, that is perfectly fine, I love you guys, I mean uh, nevermind." you say turning around with pink printed cheeks. You calm yourself for a bit before you feel a tap on your shoulder and you freeze.

One of then just touched you.


"Y-yes." you say turning around and looking straight into the blonde hair boys blues eyes. They were beautiful. "Would you like to eat with us, we'll pay, well ill pay for you." Luke offered sweetly. You blush hard and nod yes.

"So (y/n) where are you from?" Michael asks as you glance around blush still evident. "Uh, a few blocks from here, I love this place." you smile remembering many memories from here. "Wow, that isn't far at all." Cal says surprised. "Yeah I know." you say.

You glance around and notice Luke staring at you as listen to the boys conversation. He was quiet since we met a bit ago. "So how long have you liked us?" Luke asks all of the sudden. And some reason, you blush even more when you know he wanted to know more about you.

"Um, ever since you guys posted your first video." you say glancing at your, all of the sudden interesting lap. "Wow!" They all smile. "Yeah." you mumble. "Well its nice to know we have had a baeutifyl fan since the beginning." Luke says as you Look at him. You were shocked.

"Thanks." you say smiling and blushing.

You were in such a daze looking into Lukes eyes the whole time you were eating and was more than happy to say yes when he asked you on a date.


Ik it isn't the best but I was in the mood so, there you go lol.

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