your my bestfriend (delly cartwright hunger games)

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An: This is my first story so please be nice. Any constructive criticism is always welcomed. Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors . Disclaimer: I own nothing of the hunger games or it characters I just love messing with them. On with the story..

Summary: What if Katniss and Peeta fell inlove before the games? What if Delly volunteered instead of Katniss? How far would you go to protect your bestfriend? The one who had your heart but loved another? What will sweet innocent Delly do in this situation? How does she become a strong fearless killer in a matter of days? Will she die protecting Peeta? This is her story .

And it begins:

"Come on Adelaine," my father called from downstairs. I quickly trot down it was a good day daddy made enough to buy some bread for dinner. It was my first time in town and I clutch on to his hand as we made our way to the bakery. I look at the colorful displays of cakes and I wish I could taste them. As my dad talks to Mr Mallark I notice a little blonde haired boy hiding behind Mr Mallark's leg. The friendly bakery smiles at me and gently pushes the boy forward towards me. I smile brightly at him and he returns it shyly.

"I'm Adelaine ," I say confidently the boy looks at me then says "I'm Peeta,". His eyes were such a pretty blue that I grab his hand and ask him to play with me he agrees and I smile brightly again. Soon after my dad calls me I look sadly at my new friend " I gotta go Peeta," I say feeling the tears well up at the thought of leaving. He hugs me tightly and I can't help but blush he walks me to my dad . He waves wildly at me as I walk away "bye bye Delly," I smile at my new nickname and after that we were inseparable. That was the day I fell hard for the baker boy Peeta Mellark my bestfriend.

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