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An: warning this will be very sad and heartbreaking. 

Disclaimer: hungers games was made by the talented Collins .

Chapter17: interviews and homecoming.

As the last interview came around. Everyone tripped over themselves trying not to mention her name when I was around. Finally though Haymitch came to me a few minutes before the interview. "Look kid I know it hurts but the fact is she's gone and he is going to ask about her so please just keep calm would you?" I nod not letting my anger control me.

As I got onto the stage they cheer but the mood is sad and somber. Caesar shakes my hand to congratulate me on my victory. Then president Snow makes his way to crown me. His snake eyes stare me down like I'm some threat to him. "Well done," was all he spoke as he shook my hand then left. 

I sit quietly as they show the replay of the hunger games stopping ever so now and then to see my reaction. Everything goes in a blur . Every time she comes up on the screen I torture myself by never looking away trying to remember her every detail. I watch again as her life slips away. In the crowd Haymitch is talking quietly yet harshly to a raven haired green eyed girl,and for a second this distracted me from my torture a quick relief with deathly consequences.

Caesar looks around at the crowd many had been sobbing at the end of the replay. I could see in his eyes as he turn towards me the torment playing on his mind,but just as his composure slipped he built it up again. "Wow Peeta I have to say this was quite a game don't you think?" He smiles politely and I return it. "Yes it was but now finally I can go home back to Katniss," the audience create sounds of delight at the news. We carried on playfully tossing things around letting the crowd have a good laugh before he went into the questions I didn't really want to answer. "So peeta what was your reaction to little Rue's death because I know for us we were crying horribly," as he says this for a moment everyone seems silent as I speak "honestly I don't really know what I felt.. I felt angry because she was so young she had so much left to give the world , sad because.. She was family," my throat felt constricted at that confession. Caesar nodded sympathetically.

"I'm sorry to ask this but that last death Adelaine what was that like?"  

Everything felt stiff as her name repeated itself in my head maybe I finally cracked and was slowly going insane. "I lost my bestfriend the one person who had been there from the very beginning the one who was always there and always spoke well of people,who made everything make sense, who made me laugh and smile on the worst of days, I was suppose to protect her , I was suppose to die not her it was never suppose to be her ,but now she's gone ,". I then walk off the stage leaving behind an uncontrollable crowd some shouting of injustice ,some finally realizing the cruelty of the games , and so it started the rebellion just by words a war started...

your my bestfriend (delly cartwright hunger games)Where stories live. Discover now