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An: never thought I'd make it this far the end is near and far...

Disclaimer :I own nothing if I did gale would be with katniss and delly with peeta. Oh wait I own Violet.. Lol

Chapter11: 2 days ago

Ppov: I see Cato and a few of the others running towards the river. I hide behind tree quietly listening "That girl I'm gonna kill her," he says with a smile. "Its a shame we have to though," marvel adds. Screams emit from a girl a few feet away from them. "Clove that's enough just kill her already," Cato says impatiently. She walks towards the boys. "Your such a spoil sport she'll just bleed to death anyway," they then pack up and leave.

Making sure they gone I follow the trail of blood. There sputtering and half gone is a young girl with Raven black hair. Tears streak silently down her cheeks her eyes hazel and her skin sickly pale except her light blush she now holds. I don't know this girl I've seen her once or twice maybe at training but she deserves a good send off . She like me just never had the odds in her favor. I kneel down keeping her head up with one hand and the other holding her hand tightly. She tries to speak but instead of words blood came out. "Shh its ok, everything is going to be ok , I promise," she seems more calm as I stroke her hair gently . "What's y..your n... name?" She struggles out. I take a deep breath as I struggle to keep calm for her "my name is Peeta Mellark from district 12," I say gently. She smiles at me "I ..I..I'm Violet Matthews from district 10 Thank You Peeta," she takes a few shaky breaths and she dies in my arms . I'll never forget the look on her face as she took her final breaths. So calm and peaceful even though her death was violent and cruel.

I lay her down gently and watch as they take her away. Suddenly I had this gut feeling that this won't be the last time I watch someone die.

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