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An: thank you to all who have been reading I really appreciate it. If you want more delly/peeta or katniss/peeta please leave comments or messages your imput is always welcomed. Disclaimer: collins not mine... *sobs uncontrollably*

Chapter 5: Save him  


The crowd cheered and screamed at our entrance we were the show of the night. I looked up into the big screen and gave a bright smile and sent a kiss towards the crowd. The other tributes were shocked , surprised maybe even jealous at the brilliance of our stylists. Peeta held our joined hands up so all could see this will not break us we won't turn against each other. My heart drops suddenly I look towards Peeta and my smile falters these will be my last few days with him and then I'll be gone.

I hold up my smile again as we make our exit, tomorrow will be training. They quickly extinguish our flames and we make our way back to our room. The table was quiet as we ate "it was absolutely gorgeous," Effie says I've actually grown fond of the eccentric always happy escort. Even Haymitch was pretty cool he had his moments of greatness. "So do you two want to train together or separately?" Haymitch asks. I look to Peeta for a answer he looks towards Haymitch "together," he says I nod my head in acceptance.

Later that night I grab Peeta's hand and lead him towards the balcony Cinna told me about. We watch the celebration in the streets for a while. I then take his hands and place them on my waist and encircle mine around his neck loosely. "Shall we dance Mr Mellark?" I say he smiles and I see Peeta the boy I love in those blue eyes. They will not change him I won't let them. "One am a terrible dancer Miss Cartwright and secondly there is no music," I frown at his statement. The reply "yes there is no music but we can make our own, and we can be horrific dancers together my dear Mr Mellark," he then takes the lead and we dance in a circle across the small space. We laugh as he twirls me but too soon the laughter dies down and he pulls me close. So close can fell his heartbeat beating rapidly against me.

"If I die I wanna still be me , I don't want to be just another piece in their games," Peeta confesses quietly to me . Soon we're on the floor me in his arms and it feels like we're trying not to fall apart . "Its late you should go," I finally speak he nods his head and leaves. I control my breathing as I sense eyes on me I don't look when I hear someone seat next to me. "Sweetheart , you love him don't you?" "Yes , please save him Haymitch he deserves it," I say still looking into space. "I can't promise anything because I know he is here to save you not to live after this games," he says somber at the thought . Haymitch was a lot of things but he had our backs and that was the good that was in him I choose to see than all the bad.

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