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An: this chapter will deal with peeta/katniss relationship and peeta's confusing thoughts ,hope you enjoy 

Disclaimer: yes it is collins like everyone else I just like messing with the characters.

Chapter7: Blue and grey 


Soon we would have to impress our sponsors with our score but right now that was the last thing on my mind. It was midday after training and I sat on the balcony alone thinking about Katniss. I tried to stay away from all thoughts of her knowing I would die in a matter of days but today was different. I allowed my thoughts to consume me . I thought of her smile ,her laugh, and the way she held herself. I missed it all I would give anything to see her again I didn't want to leave things the way I did.

"Katniss am so sorry," I held her in my arms as she cried she never liked showing emotion but this was the exception to the rule. She wiped her tears and looked me in the eyes and said "I don't want to lose you Peeta," she knew this was unfair because Delly was my bestfriend. "Katniss please understand," she held her head up high and said "am sorry Peeta I know its wrong but I want you to come back not her yes I'll always be grateful and in her debt but I can't lose you,"

I shake my head at the memory. Sometimes I wonder about it going home without Delly. Then I get the feeling of someone knocking out my wind I then realize I wouldn't be able to go back without her. She is my bestfriend I could never really let her go. Our very first reaping was the worse.

"Peeta am scared," I held her in my arms as she cried herself out "its ok Delly I'll protect you they can't take me away from you," she wiped away her tears and the way she looked my 12 year old heart couldn't seem to register how people would want to hurt her. My Delly no one else's . She slept peacefully in my arms and I just watched her and soon my brain disconnected with my body as I leaned down to kiss her. That was my first kiss it was sweet and scary but she would never know and maybe that hurt more than my first reaping.

"Hey you ok?" I look to see Delly in a jeans and over sized top wait was that my top? Her hair in a messy bun as she sits next to me. "Yep am ok Delly why are wearing my top?" She looks at me "its comfortable better than that other clothes they gave me," I laugh it was true it was the only thing I brought from our district to the capitol. She puts my arm over her and lays her head on my shoulder. This was normal but we only had two days left and then it would gone. My good bye caught in my throat and for the first time since the reaping my tears threatened to fall but I would be strong for her. So I held back and let her warmth sooth me .

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