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An: Thank you kiffie and nuri you guys are the best xoxoxo

Disclaimer I own nothing this was all CoLlins

Chapter 15: Everything changes 


Later that day:

After Rue was taken I realized that Marvel had slashed my leg up pretty bad. Delly had to drag me to the cave she refused to leave my side. They also announced that two people could win if from the same district. I couldn't really move and I had a fever drifting in and out consistently. I finally got some grip earlier today just in time to give her my last gift.  

It was earlier this morning when they announced the feast. Delly almost shot up at the opportunity. Before I got a hold of her arm. "Delly you can't go," she looks at me in shock "you need the medicine Peeta," I tighten my grip even though I knew it wouldn't help much."I'm not going to let you risk your life for me," she didn't move yet I hoped that would be a good sign. "You would do it for me," she said finally. Feeling defeated I gave it one last shot "please Delly don't do this," her face went cold and she nodded slightly laying herself back under my arm.

Near midday Delly talked of a sponsor of soup. As the taste hit me there was something about it that seemed familiar as realization kicked in I tried futilely to spit it out. Delly tucked me in quietly mumbling to herself all I really heard was "sorry," and the softest butterfly kiss on my cheek. Everything else was a blur as dreams and memories collided into one.

I see Katniss and she's laying in the meadow soaking up the rays of the sun. She looks so peaceful as her eyes even look lighter and happier than its normal smokey grey. I lay beside her and she smiles at me everything seems ok now I feel better even warmer near her. Like a flood happiness washes over me and drowns me in its waters.  

The scene changes am in Delly's house its late I stand in the door way as she tucks her brother in. She smiles sweetly at the boy as she tells him stories of magical creatures, stories with a happy endings, stories of hope,courage and love.  

The constant change in the scenery is welcomed as I smell the comforting air of the bakery. Mom had a good day today she's actually smiling she even gave me one of the good cupcakes. This memory haunted me as a child knowing my mother had that kind of love but never did she show it, that day she seemed so happy so alive she was beautiful even , it was something I had only dreamed mothers would be like. It was the first and last time I saw that love in her.

Finally I was woken up as Delly smiled gently at my awakening. "What happened to your head?" I asked looking at the new healing slash. "Clove got a hold of me during the feast but I'm ok now ..". "What happened Delly," I asked again " we got into a fight I almost lost but Thresh he saved me..," she looked spaced out before saying. "He said he did it to pay the debt for Rue," she didn't meet my gaze . "I know I miss her too Delly,". She nodded her head. "Thresh and Cato are the lasts left besides us," my nerves are on end at the news this meant the big finish was close by. "Foxface ate some nightlock berries killed her seconds later for a moment I thought you were gone because you hadn't woken up in days..," my confusion was apparent as she began to explain "you were out for 3 days straight Peeta," she told me how my fever broke the day before and my leg was completely healed just stiff from lack of movement. Then out in the distance shouts of pain was heard and a canon sounded. Quickly I grab Delly and run for it this was it the big finish.

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