chapter 18

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An: mockingjay and catching fire doesn't change this chapter is where a a girl helps Peeta recover from being hijacked. 

*Time skipping* 

Disclaimer: this is not my idea it all belongs to Collins :)

Chapter 18: real or not real 


I hate her she caused all this she killed everyone I loved even Delly it was all her fault. She almost died I almost killed her but they took me away put me in a cell and strapped me down. 

Haymitch came in every now and then but never stayed for more than a minute or two. Mostly it was doctors and a girl who visits everyday to "help" me.

Two weeks later:

Megan walks in smiling sweetly, she's the girl that they sent in to help me. I remember her from the last interview I had on the first games. She was in the crowd talking to Haymitch. Her raven hair and green eyes was easy enough to remember. My memories were messed up pretty badly but she was patient , even when I was violet and ungrateful. I still didn't trust katniss the girl I supposedly love . At times I completely lost it trying to figure out what was real and what was not.

She let me watch video's of the 74th and 75th hunger games. She tried to help with the missing pieces of my memory but she could only tell that much. The rest I would have to hear from Haymitch or Katniss. Yet even speaking Katniss's name brought up "memories" mostly confusing or unwanted ones. I feel like everytime there's improvement I just end up reversing back to those shiny capitol made memories. Megan sits closer to the bed now and my restraints are finally removed.

"Hey Peeta how are you ?" Her voice is comforting ,almost as if I knew the voice but couldn't place it. "Better they're letting me out of these restraints and they might let me out with other people," she nods her head I knew she had been pulling strings for me to get out. "Peeta your memory is it any better ?" She watches me carefully for any signs of relapse. "Sometimes I can control it sometimes it just overpowers me," her green eyes look saddened at the news but I ignore it mostly. "Did you find any good real memories?" I think for a second before nodding happy with what I found.

"Its of Delly she ... She's twirling around in her favorite pink dress that was her favorite color ... But a nice soft pink ummm she's laughing I don't really know why .... ," Megan listens intently but when I hear her voice I'm forced out of curiosity to really look at her face "you really ..m miss her don't you?" Her eyes water suddenly and quickly she gets up "I ... I'm s..sorry I need to go,". She practically sprints for the door leaving me confused. Delly was usually the safe topic that kept me sane and most of the time we avoided the games and Katniss until I feel ready for the questions. It was the first time I had ever seen her act like this.

As time past she distanced herself only really there when I needed her like after the war she helped me go back home to 12 with Katniss. Haymitch told me she lived next door to him always here to help katniss and I grow back together, but other than that she never really visited much. Time passed quickly , slowly everyone began coming back to 12 to live and go on with their lives. Katniss and I try to fix and deal with all our faults. We are only 18 now so we still had our whole lives to live so we learn to become good friends and right now we're both ok with that.

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