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An: Again I own nothing of the hunger games and happy reading XxXx

Chapter 3: killer instinct

As it got dark I laid on my bed unable to sleep staring up at the ceiling. I didn't get it why were these memories flooding and consuming my thoughts at this very moment? Was it the fact the death was so real and imminent that my brain decided to break my very soul by leaving me with this deathly sweet memories and some just daydreams of a better life or future.

The smell of fire and pastry flood my senses as I watch Peeta work on some cupcakes . Unintentionally my body moves closer to get a better view of his work then unknowingly I place my hand on the hot plate of the stove. I gave out a loud wail in pain cradling my burnt hand. Peeta immediately dropped his work to tend to my wound. I flinched at his touch as he ran my hand through cold water. Then he gently covered it in white cloth. He frowned at the work of my injured hand and quickly placed a kiss there. Smiling to himself he looked at me and asked "better?" that was the first word he spoke through out the whole incident. I nod my head and I swear my heart skipped a beat and my stomach did these awful flips .

Silently I trace the scar that was left behind. I'm then knocked out of my trance when I hear a tapping at my door. There to greet me was Peeta looking exhausted but before I say anything he has already plopped himself on my bed. I look at him accusingly and he smirks in return "come on Delly for old times sake," I laugh at this but never the less I join him. "We're too old for this Peeta," I respond tucked under his arm. "Tell me our future Delly," he says half asleep.

I indulged in his antics and begin the story "its a perfect day the first week of spring and everything is alive and colorful your in the meadow watching your son play you have Katniss in your arms with another little one on the way," he smiles drifting away "what about you Delly?" He mumbles out. Suddenly my throat seems to constrict because I know my future is gone. He doesn't notice as he is now fully asleep carefully I crawl out from him and enter the empty living room compartment. I sit by the window staring at the stars . That night something broke inside of me. I would become cold and fearless if needed I knew that some call it killer instinct but I called it Adelaine.

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