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An: hope you love it

Disclaimer: I own nothing etc..

Chapter12: fireballs and nightmares

Present time:


Peeta puts me on a rock he looks at me somber. "Well I was leaving the river when Rue found me and she told me what happened, basically we found you a few hours later they we're throwing out fireballs burning half the forest I tried waking you but you didn't budge in our hurry I was carrying you and a fireball hit us burning your leg and my arm," I look down at my leg wrapped in some dirty cloth. I then realized peeta took his jacket and ripped it apart as a make shift bandage for my leg and his arm. I peek under the bandage much to my regret. It looked awful then I realized Peeta's

must have been twice the size of mine.

"Peeta how's your arm?" He smiles at me and sits next to me knowing I would check the burn anyway. I unwrap it gently trying my best to not hurt him."Wow its bad your lucky am not squeamish," he says nothing but I know its hurts more than he let's on.

"You need medicine," I say quietly he laughs at my statement "says the person who can't walk," I redress the wound after cleaning it with some water. "Its not that bad," what a lie feels like its on fire. "Rue helped out a lot she took the stingers out of your arm and got some leaves that helped with our wounds ," I nod listening looking at my almost healed arm.

There bouncing from the tree comes Rue. "Delly! Your awake!," she says excitedly hugging me."I got some food," she unpacks tons of berries and edible flowers. She smiles proudly Peeta and I take the small portions leaving most for Rue. As night approaches we set up in a hidden cave while we make Rue sleep in the tree with the sleeping bag. We know at least then if anything happens she'll be safe up high and out of view. Peeta tucks me in under his good arm.

"Peeta I want Rue to win," I say quietly. He looks off into space probably thinking of home. "Me too," he nods still so distant from me. "So this is good bye," His blue eyes meet mine and everything seems to stop as he reply's "We don't have to say goodbye Delly just say see you soon,". As I fall asleep there my dreams haunt me this time they took peeta I keep screaming until my throat burns raw. Never in time always late.

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