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An: thx to everyone who read. Hugs n kisses all around. 

Disclaimer: I own nothing 


Peeta's beginning 

Being young was the best part of my life ,why? Well that's because my life only started after I met her... A normal day in the bakery things were quite slow but for me this was good cause dad could finally show me the ropes of the business. "Peeta watch carefully ... ,"Before he finishes a customer enters and right now I hate whoever came in because we were just getting to the good part of baking cookies the frosting ...hmmm.

I hide behind dads leg I've always been shy. I look around to see Mr Cartwright and instantly regret saying I hated the customer because I always admired Mr Cartwright he was a good guy but being a merchant didn't make life any less difficult for their family or ours. They talk for a while as I notice something standing next to him. Her hair was braided to the back like most girls, but if you looked close enough you could see the pretty curls she had her eyes were pale blue for a moment I thought she might not be real. Then she smiled at me my dad then gently pushed me towards her. I smile feeling myself turn pink. "I'm Adelaine," the girl says confidently. Wow she's so pretty. "I'm Peeta," I manage to get out . I don't need to say much she does most of the talking, as she grabs my hand and asks me to play with her. Too soon she tells me "peeta I gotta go," I see her eyes brimming with tears I quickly hug her tightly not wanting her to cry. 

She blush's at this and I smile walking her to her dad. As she leaves I wave wildly at her "bye bye Delly," I frown a bit as walk back into the store not sure why I gave her that nickname but happy I did. "You ok peet?" My dad asks smiling down at me "dad ?" I say unsure "yes peet?" He looks towards me with knowing eyes "I love her," I say determined. My father chuckles at this and nods his head In agreement.

Funny how time changes you and twists you. In the end you change scarred beaten and battered yet you still fight for whatever is left. Maybe that's why I believed her when she said it was her. I thought about it logically listening to her story seeing the scar cross her abdomen. Or maybe a big part of me just wanted it all to be real that she was alive and I could hold her and tell her I'll never leave again. In truth though my heart saw those blue eyes and those curls before my mind did. Yet again reality made me think twice only to confirm my heart she had the necklace I gave her at the first games tucked under her hoodie.

Time seemed to fast forward at this moment as I took her in my arms and told her I love her and kissed her knowing it would change nothing and everything at the same time....

5years later:

Here we are scarred and broken but still we can find our happiness even though we lost close to everything. This meadow was something of a new start,for everyone that has been here. I find myself tangled into her, her laugh her smile her eyes draw me in each day. This was what makes me happy having her and knowing no one can take this from me. In the distance I watch Gale and Katniss play with their son Todd they just like us have, been through hell but even after everything they finally found each other after three years. Todd though was a surprise to both especially Katniss but they made it work and they're happy truly and undeniably so. Finally we've all got our lives back , Delly looks at me and smiles as she sees katniss and Gale. "Hey Peeta you know your going to be a great dad," she says looking at her swollen belly....

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