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Disclaimer : I own nothing

Chapter 4: the capitol


Waking up I find myself alone in Delly's room. Quickly I sneak out into my room taking a hot shower and dressing in whatever I could grab. There in the living room cart was a feast waiting with Effie,Haymitch and Delly. She looked so tired but ate all she could happily both of us never dreaming of such food. As I sat down my mind drifted to Katniss and what she would be doing now then I mentally kicked myself I wasn't coming back and Gale would fix her I knew he would.

Haymitch has been of little help but I won't allow him to do this to us we needed a fighting chance."So what's the plan Haymitch?" I ask quickly but he seems to pay no attention. "Haymitch?" Still nothing maybe I was scared maybe I was just mad ,but I ended up getting out of my seat. Dragging my mentor and slamming him against the wall ready to knock him out. He curses loudly trying to get out of my hold that's when I hear Delly speak up. "Peeta let him go," she said icy calm in her voice. I didn't like it this wasn't Delly her eyes were too cold and her face to stern to be Delly. I drop Haymitch in a heap and she helps the sputtering drunk up.

"Look we need you so please just help," she says quietly to him. He seems to sober up a bit looking at her.  

"Fine,I'll help you two," he says be grudgingly I nod my head in acceptance and Delly smiles at him. He then goes out probably to get dressed and look some sort of decent. Delly smiles at me and I return it and then I realize dying for her would be worth it knowing she would live. "Come along now its going to be a big big day!" Effies sings excitedly at us. Its a hour before we arrive in the Capitol. People surrounded our station with cheers and cameras so I decide to take action and wave happily back at them.

As we make our way to our training centre Delly holds onto my hand quietly in the elevator. "Since you are district 12 we'll have the top floor and the best room," Effie explains. After settling in they rushed us to our stylists spending hours making us look like dolls. At the end of it they gave me a black suit and escorted me to the chariot. My eyes scan for Delly and I see her nervously waiting for me in a similar suit . She looked different her hair in a complex braid and her body molding the suit perfectly she looked like a soldier . Joining her I held her hand tightly as they put us on fire. "Love you Peeta," she whispers and I smile at the thought "Forever I promise," I say in return. To some these words mean nothing to us it was everything.

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