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An: the last chapter thx to anyone who has ever read this story. 

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter20: a new start 


I go home that night feeling scared, hopeful and restless. As morning approaches I take everything slowly, especially my shower as I do most of my heavy thinking there.  

As I get out to dress I take a long look in the mirror finally I see the person I used to be staring back at me. A smile appears on my lips but this time its genuine not just out of habit. I decide on a plain t-shirt a over size red hoodie and a skinny jeans with boots. My hair I braided quickly then made some breakfast.

Looking at my food I suddenly feel ill and can only take a few bites without getting sick. My nerves get the best of me for a moment before I'm able to catch my breath. I sit down on my couch staring out the window thinking back to where I lost myself a few years back...bright lights and a operating table comes to mind and I physically shudder at the memory. The phone attached to my wall seems to haunt me as I take slow steps towards it. I dial the number but as I waited for it to ring I slammed it back down. "What's wrong with me?!" I say out loud silently cursing myself. "Hey megan are you home?" I hear Peeta call out. I quickly hide behind the wall.

He waits for a reply after none he leaves a cupcake on the kitchen table then makes his way home. I knew my reaction was ridiculous it was just Peeta but he couldn't see me like this not just yet anyway. I spend the day in doors picking at the cupcake ever so often until there was nothing left. At least my appetite was coming back. I knew what I needed to do but I just stayed on the couch staring off into space . All these different outcomes played in my head none of them ending well...

Finally at 2am I decided to make the call. My hands shook violently it took about three tries before I punched in the correct number. My throat felt constricted and my heartbeat raced wildly as the phone rang the suspense built in the pit of my stomach today I was going to tell the truth, today was a new start. A hoarse voice answered the phone probably just woke up, "hello?" The voice answered. "Hi umm can you please come over?" My voice shaked and cracked at the end and without another word I heard the phone go silent. I waited for what seemed like hours but was only minutes as I hear a loud wrapping at my door.

"Peeta is that you?" I ask nervously. "Megan what's wrong are you ok?" I could hear worry thick in his voice. "Will you do me a favor?" I chew on my bottom lip while I wait for his reply. I hear shuffling feet and then "umm sure ...I will," I can only imagine the confused look he might be wearing now."Close your eyes keep them closed don't open them till I say so promise?" 

My hand sits on the door knob ready. "I promise,". I open the door and lead Peeta in. "Peeta I'm so sorry..." He frowns his eyes still closed. "I hurt you so much and I understand if you want to leave your not the same person as what you use to be the war changed everyone especially me but please understand I wanted you to be happy," 

He replied quickly after my confession "megan I don't understand what you saying you never hurt me why are you saying sorry... Why would I leave?" I take a deep breath before finally letting my guard down. "Open your eyes," he does so the shock so apparent on his face that I know I have lost him but he wasn't even mine to loose. My heart sinks as the deathly silence sets in. "Megan?" He asked confused. I shook my head sadly at him. "Peeta its me its Delly,"

The end

An: don't worry there is a epilogue to sort out the final ending feel like doing a sequel from katniss pov or maybe just a one of delly will let you if I do... Again thx for reading you guys are really awesome

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