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An: from here on out my updates will be slow hope you all can hang in there 

Disclaimer: not mine hers without her this would not even exist so thx Collins

Chapter:8: scores and broken hearts 


As they cheered and congratulated me on my 11 I watched Peeta fade ever so slightly into the background. Quickly 

I followed him to the balcony I was beginning to think this was "our" place. 

"Peeta what's wrong?" He looks at me and I swear I can see hate in his eyes. His shaking and I'm scared.

His got himself in a corner furthest away from me. "Peeta?" I step towards him "GET AWAY FROM ME!" He shouts . His never been so mad before so I back away slightly. "Why do you make it so difficult Delly?" His voice breaks and tears blur his vision. My heart shatters into a million pieces at his tears. I can't seem to breath "what's wrong Peeta please tell me,". He slides down to the floor and buries his face in his hands. I slowly pry his hands away and I know my look matches his. Both heart broken and lost .

He put his arms around me and we fall asleep like that no one calls us down maybe they didn't notice or they gave us at least this time to break down. It was around 2am when I woke up but I don't open my eyes. Instead I listen to Peeta talking to himself quietly. "Delly I don't want to say good bye I don't want to leave you I want to see you on your wedding day marrying some lucky guy. I want to see you having kids and you telling them stories. I can't say goodbye but I don't have a choice now do I? Katniss... I love her with everything I have I want to marry her but hey am only 16 and I can't do that this is it for me don't worry Delly knowing you'll be ok is worth dying for," 

I want to tell him its ok and that his going home but I can't I was suppose to be "sleeping"

Our last day of training was unnerving but tomorrow would be worse.

"Cinna thank you so much," I hug my stylist in thanks . "Shh child it will be ok," he says giving a sympathetic smile. I look at my reflection in the mirror and couldn't believe I was the same person. Cinna put me in a long flowing blue dress and put my hair into a long waterfall braid. My make up was all natural and my nails were painted electric blue. I sucked in a deep breath as I walked up to the stage greeting the caring host happily. "So Adelaine how do you like the capitol so far?" he asks attentively "well its a beautiful city but I love the people the most,".  

"Isn't she the sweetest thing?" That gained a few aww's from the crowd. "So Adelaine tell me about the reaping why did you volunteer?". I looked towards the crowd and answered "well Caesar something told me it was the right thing to do I wasn't going to watch a sweet little girl go ," he squeezed my hand gently earning a round of applause from the crowd. I smiled sadly . "Caesar let's dance," I said excitedly he comply's and the crowd loves it as they scream. Just then as he twirls me my dress erupts in blue and purple flames the crowd goes wild and I bow gracefully as the bell goes off. "Adelaine, the blue diamond," he says at my exit they applaud and I can't feel more happy at my success.

Peeta is the last to go on he earns laughs and giggles from the capitol. He is sweet and charming surely stealing many young hearts. "So Peeta is there any special girl at home?". He smiles shyly "yes her name is Katniss Everdeen," this sends the crowd in cheers and squeals of delight. "So this will be easy for you Peeta win and go back home to your beloved Katniss," Peeta portrays a look of sadness. "Why the long face Peeta?" Caesar asks confused they listening intently to his words "Well my bestfriend Delly you know her as Adelaine came with me and you see she means more to me than winning,". I see people begin to sob at the news even Ceasar looks sorrowful . "Am so sorry to hear that Peeta,". He nods his head and then he had to go "give a huge round of applause for Peeta Mellark," that's the last thing I really hear as Peeta wraps me in his arms tomorrow would be the start of the games...

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