your my bestfriend (delly cartwright hunger games)

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An: I will be time skipping quite a bit in the story so please bare with me happy reading . Disclaimer I own nothing

Chapter1: Peeta goodbye

By the way am Delly Cartwright am 16 now and today is the reaping. Peeta is my bestfriend and we've always told each other everything. I remember our first day of school we never left the others side . Then she sang and stole his heart that night he came by and told me "Delly am going to marry Katniss," I smiled. Even then the 5 year old me was jealous I didn't understand was she going to take my bestfriend from me? No she's a good person she would never. As we grew older Peeta would sneak out at night and stay in my room. He would come with bruises and cuts and I would wrap them and make sure he was ok. He never talked about his mother hitting him and I never asked unless he brought it up. We would spend our nights talking or sometimes he would get lost in a drawing and I would sit quietly for hours just watching him. Then came the day where he told me about Katniss and the bread and I made it my mission to get him to talk to her.

Eventually he did and I watched as they fell inlove in front of my eyes. Gale,Katniss, and Madge became my close friends but they were never Peeta. Soon I asked Peeta to stop visiting at night making excuses as "we're not kids anymore Peeta,"  

"I need my space," but the fact was I cried my nights away and I tried to find someone else. Even though it hurt I smiled and said to myself everyday "one day you'll fall in love and it won't hurt anymore," today was different though today was the reaping my little brother Dean's first. 

I prayed and hoped his name wouldn't come up if only I could volunteer for him then I would feel better if It ever came to that. I put on my best dress it's a light pink with a bit a lace it was my mom's. I put on my white reaping shoes it had a small heel. I braided my hair into a halo and let the rest fall down. I walked down stairs to see my mom with watery eyes and my dad a sad smile. I look at Dean all dressed up he looks just like my dad with his brown hair and dimples his green eyes though was my moms. He has been crying and I hug him taking his hand as we walk towards the square. I help him every bit I can as we enter our names say soothing things and giving him my best smiles. Finally we have to part ways he is shaking like a leaf and I wish to hold him and tell him its going to be ok but its not so I settle for a hug and a "I'll tell you a great bedtime story tonight,"

As usual they go over our history and the mayor gives the speech he does every year. Effie trinket begins talking over the microphone "ladies first," as her hand goes in I silently whisper "not madge, katniss or prim please," I'm shaking as she anncounces the name  

"Primrose Everdeen," before I know what's happening before Katniss can even react I push pass the peacekeepers screaming at the top of my lungs "I voulnteer!,". .. Then it hits me what have I done? What about Dean? Prim tries to ask me to go with tears in her eyes then Katniss takes her aside and I give Katniss a reassuring smile.

"What exciting news !" Effie shrills as I walk up to the stage "dear what's your name?" She asks quietly and I mubble out "Adelaine Cartwright," she smiles at me and the says "well let's give a round of applause to our newest tribute Adelaine Cartwright," no one claps I know they don't approve everyone knows this is wrong then suddenly I see Katniss give a old district 12 gesture and soon everyone does the same. It means thanks , admiration, it means goodbye to a loved one. I feel a few tears escape from my eyes . I see Peeta hopelessly trying to calm Dean down I think to myself "god am so sorry Dean".

I silently say goodbye to eveyone in my mind it couldn't b worse and then they called Peeta... No! not him please god and it all felt like a bad nightmare . I was planning to die in the bloodbath quickly , painless but now its different now I need to protect him ,he has to win. Silently a few more tears run down my face but I quickly wipe them away as I shake Peeta's hand. Good bye Peeta because I have no intention of winning this...

your my bestfriend (delly cartwright hunger games)Where stories live. Discover now