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An: thank you for reading. So these chapters maybe short due to writers block so hang in there. 

Disclaimer: I own nothing wish I did.

Chapter6: Training and kids.

This morning I felt a little bit better maybe acceptance was settling in and now I could go on with my life. Well what's left it. I see Effie ,Haymitch and Peeta chatting happily at the table. "Morning," I greet everyone. Peeta smiles, Haymitch grunts and Effie returns my greeting. "Today is the start of training so I need to know your strengths," Haymitch addresses us "well I don't have any real fighting abilities, but Peeta is really good at wrestling came second in our school," I say thoughtfully.

"Thanks Delly but don't under estimate yourself she is pretty good with a hammer," Peeta tells Haymitch quickly. 

"Hammer?" Haymitch says in confusion. I stand up pink in the face "it was one time Peeta ! One time!" I scream embarrassed at the memory . He laughs at my outrage "one time you almost took my head off!" He screams between fits of laughter. Effie and Haymitch watch in shock at our playful bickering they probably think we're crazy and by all means we are.

Later we're in the training room. I keep close to Peeta as they explain what each station contains. I am able to get the names of a few tributes such as , cato,clove,glimmer,rue,thresh,marvel and a mysterious red haired girl I now nicknamed foxface. For a while I spent sometime working with Peeta in the camouflage station. Finally I gave up and went to the weapons station when something catches my eye. A blade which looked pretty high tech. You had to strap it to you arm . Soon Adelaine kicked in as I worked with the claw like blade.

At the end of it there was nothing left of the dummy. Every claw scratch detailed and calculated. Looking at my handy work I ripped the blade from my arm becoming scared of my own mind. As I was about to run Peeta caught me in his arms . "Delly I think you got a shadow," I turn to where Peeta's eyes lead me and see little Rue watching me intently hiding behind the beams on the ceiling. Soon that fear dies as I see Dean and Prim in little Rue.

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