Officially Together

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*Cameron's POV*

I had told Binky everything that had happened between Abby and I. She kind of had a feeling already so I thought why not just tell her. We hung out at the mall for a good two hours then left to the park. "So was Abby as fun as I am? Because she seems a little weird.......... I mean..... no offense but......"

"Can we stop talking about her please?" I said cutting her off before she could continue. "Sorry, it's just I........ never mind," she said trailing off. "It's okay," I replied looking at her. "I really like you Cam. Really like you. And it's not because of your looks..... well I lied because a little bit is," she laughed. I laughed along with her. "But I like your personality, your really nice, and your amazing.......... and I hope you feel the same," she said with an unsure look on her face.

"I do..... I like you too," I said smiling. Do I really? Or was I just saying that not to make her feel bad. She was really amazing and really beautiful. She smiled and leaned over to kiss me. I kissed her back. "Then let's make this official. Me and you, are officially together..... yeah?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah," I nodded. She smiled and bit her lip. She leaned over and kissed me some more. We hung out the rest of the day and the next day for 3 hours.

"Yo, where you been?" asked Matthew as I walked into his house. We were all meeting up and hanging out. "I feel like I haven't seen you forever," he said as we shook hands. "I've been with Bianca," I said smiling. "Wait, yesterday?" he asked. I nodded. "The entire day?" he continued. I nodded again.

"Why?" I asked. "No Abby?" he continued. I shook my head. "How about today? I mean it's 5:47 in the afternoon," he said checking his phone. "Nope, just with Bianca," I said. "Wait, are you guys together now?" asked Taylor. "Yup, officially together since yesterday," I said smiling. "Well, shit. Uh, congrats I guess," said Matt.

"Well, thanks?" I said unsure if the situation. "Why'd you ask about Abby?" I asked Matt. "Look man...... You gotta talk to her. It's something that you have to have hear from her," he said. "Look, why don't you just tell me the situation," I said. "Just talk to her," said Nash. "Wait so what do all you guys know what's going on too?" I said with frustration.

"Just tell me the fucking situation," I yelled in anger. "Look man, instead of putting all your fucking anger on us, why don't you go find out your fucking self. Sorry your not fucking happy with Bianca your so fucking pissed off. Or did she not let you fuck her like how you fucked Abby?!" said Matt angrily. I felt rage going through my body and heat rising. I didn't realize what I was doing but plunging over to Matt and knocking him down.

"Hey!" yelled some of my friends. I felt a bunch of bodies on me and pulling me off. "Shit, Cam. What the fuck is wrong with you?!" said Nash. I looked at Matt getting up off the floor and scowling at me. "I'm sorry," I said out of breath. "Yeah, so am I," he said.

"Abby still likes you," he blurted out. "What?" I said as my eyes started to water. Hearing those words comforted me easily and I felt myself calming down. "She still likes you," he repeated. "Look, I understand that your with Bianca. But she doesn't know that you are....... you don't even have to love her but just don't keep her waiting," Matt said.

My mind was going crazy. I didn't know what to do but felt myself running out of the front door.

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