Needed This One Last Time

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*Cameron's POV*

"Abby?" I questioned as she was standing in front of me. "A-are your parents home?" she asked. "No," I said shaking my head. "Can I..... can I come in?" she asked. "Yeah, sure what's up?" I replied letting her come in. "I need you," she exhaled. "Um, are you okay Abbs?" I asked. "I feel lost and empty with out you. Your the missing piece that I need," she said with her eyes tearing up.

"Hey, it's okay," I said walking towards her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I kissed her back making my way towards the couch. We slumped onto the couch and she began taking her shirt off. "Maybe we should take this upstairs?" she whispered. I nodded and picked her up with each leg beside my waist.

We got to my room and I gently put her on my bed. She took her shirt off and tugged at mine. I took it off while she took her pants off. I pulled the rest of her pants off since she was struggling. I went back to her and kissed her neck going down to her breast. She breathed heavily and tugged my hair.

She tugged at my pants and I pulled my jeans and briefs down. She pulled down her panties and I stopped her from going down any further. "Stop teasing," she breathed. I chuckled and pulled it down for her. She sat up and immediately sat down on my joint. "Jesus," she gasped as her mouth gaped open.

I laid her down and continued what she started. She breathed heavily and scratched my back closing her eyes while furrowing her eyebrows. "I love you," she whispered. I stopped what I was doing and looked at her. "You mean that?" I said. "Yeah," she whispered.

I picked up from where I left off again and continued. She was moaning as I thrusted into her. She ran her fingers through my hair softly as I was still inside her kissing her neck. I heard sniffling and felt something wet go down from the side of my cheek. I looked up and she laid there looking up at the ceiling blankly.

"Are you okay?" I asked her in concern. She nodded her head & continued sniffling. "Yeah I'm fine. Keep going," she said. "I can't...... not with you like this. What's wrong?" I asked. "I just. We can't keep doing this and.. and I know that I came to you but I needed you one last time," she ranted. "One last time? The fuck does that mean?" I asked.

"I can't..." she started but was cut off from her crying. "I can't do this.... I can't pretend like I don't love you when I really do but I can't be with you because then I'd only hurt you in the end," she said crying. "what? I'm sorry Abbs but that made no sense at all," I laughed sarcastically. "What aren't you telling me?" I continued. "I think I'm leaving," she said calmly with a tear streaming out of her right eye.

"Leaving? leaving where? what?" I questioned being confused. "And it's not only because I'm leaving but it's because I made you cheat," she said. "No Abbs. You didn't. I could've stopped myself but I didn't. This is my fault so please don't put this on you," I said."But I let you," she replied. She got up and put her clothes on. "Goodbye Cam. I'll always love you," she said standing at my door. "the fuck?" I whispered to myself getting my clothes on quickly.

"Wait Abby!" I yelled as she was about to open the door. She turned to me and tilted her head slightly. "You have to explain this to me," I said walking up to her. "And I will. just not now," she said and opened the door. As she opened the door Binky stood there clenching her jaw. Abby walked right past her like she didn't see her. "What. The. Fuck. Cam?!" she said angrily.

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