Can't Tell Her

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*Cameron's POV*

Abby avoided me all day at school. Why was she doing this? I called and texted her but never got a reply. I headed over to Matt's house because we were all meeting there.

"What was up with you and Abby this morning?" asked Carter. "Yeah, what happened?" said Matthew. I sighed and shook my head. "Yesterday when I left running........... I went to Abby's house," I said. "Okay........ and?" said Nash. "And what?" I replied.

"So you went over to her house and nothing happened? You just went over there?" he continued. I shook my head and thought long and hard. Deciding whether to tell them about me and Abby since that didn't go too well last time I told them.

"Me and Abby............. we had...... sex," I said casually. "Wait, seriously?!" said Matthew somewhat delighted. The others looked surprised and were making comments. I nodded my head. "You're gonna tell Bianca though, right?" asked Gilinsky. "Of course I am," I replied.

I was calling Bianca to meet up with her so that I could tell her about what I did. She didn't pick up or answer her texts so I called a few more times. No reply. An hour later she called and I picked up immediately. "Hey, Bianca..... listen," I was suddenly cut off by her crying and gasping for air.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. "No," she said crying. "It's..... it's my...... it's my dad," she said pausing in between to control her crying. "Holy shit, what happened to him?" I asked. "He got in a car accident and is in critical condition right now," she answered. "Okay, um, you want me to go over there?" I asked. "Yes, please," she cried. I got in my car and headed to the hospital.

I arrived at the hospital and she greeted me at the door. She immediately ran to me and buried her as into my chest and cried. I held her tightly to comfort her. "Is he gonna be okay?" I asked. She sniffled and looked up at me. "I'm not sure. He's still in the ER right now," she replied. I nodded my head and walked along.

Thirty minutes passed and we sat in silence with her leaning her head on my shoulder. "Why did you call me earlier?" she asked. "Oh.... uh, I was gonna tell you something but that an wait," I replied. "No, it's okay. You can tell me right now," she said softly. "I'd rather not. Especially with you feeling the way you already do, this can wait," I said. She nodded her head and leaned on my shoulder again.

It was about 8:13 when a doctor finally came out. She got up and talked with the doctor. I stayed behind since it was between her and her family. She came back relieved. "He's gonna be okay?" I asked. She nodded her head and smiled with tears coming out. "They say he was in serious condition and had to perform surgery on him. He lost a lot of blood so he's gonna have to stay in the hospital for awhile," she explained. "Do you need a ride home?" I asked her. "Um, no I think I'm gonna stay with my dad. Thanks though," she said smiling. She gave me a kiss with surprise and pulled away. I forced a smile onto my face and turned to leave.

I headed home and finished everything that I needed to be done. I couldn't tell Bianca. Not after what she's going through right now. This will just make her feel worse and would break her.

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