A/N Please Read!!

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Hey guys, so I just wanted to say that this sequel is over and I'm honestly really sad but I have more books to write. Even though these books won't have a lot of reads or votes or whatever, I really enjoyed writing these. When I completed my first book and there weren't a lot of reads and there still isn't I was honestly just gonna delete it, but then I thought.... you know what? fuck it. I'll just write it for myself and go back and read when I want to because I really like my storyline. Also I'm aware that north bridge high probably doesn't even exist lol. it's a made up high school obviously lol.  I'm also aware that the guys didn't live in the same place that's why it's an AU lol. So for those of you who have made it this far and read from book 1 chapter one I just want to thank you so fucking much for reading these books. I remember I started my first book in January 2016. I'm not sure what day but in that particular month. I'm not sure when I finished the book and when I started this book. But I finished this book on August 7, 2016. I kind of had a feeling my books were gonna flop anyways. and btw my sex scenes aren't that great bc I'm horrible at writing "smut" and it makes me uncomfortable writing them lol but I did my best. Anyways I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you for those who took their time to read my two books and for those of you who didn't.... fuck you. no I'm joking (maybe lol) but seriously I had fun writing these books and yeah. I love Cameron so fucking much like oml. I remember it was 2014 of August when I first fell in love with Cameron in one of Nash's videos. lol. but thank you once again and please vote for both my books. My names lisa btw.

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