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*Abby's POV*

I jolted out of bed and ran straight to the toilet and threw up. Morning sickness kills...... I went back to my room and checked the time; 6:21. Just 4 minutes before my alarm was gonna ring so might as well just get ready. I took a shower & blow dried my hair straight. I did my usual make up: concealer, filling in my eyebrows & contouring.

I put on my Adidas long sleeve with black ripped jeans & my Adidas shoes. I went downstairs & attempted to eat breakfast but just the thought of food made me wanna hurl. I went back upstairs and got my stuff.

I walked out the door and smelled the cold fresh mid March air. Halfway towards school a vehicle approached behind me. "Want a ride?" shouted Cam. I turned and slightly smiled. "Come on, don't tire yourself," he shouted. I walked towards the car and to my surprise none of his friends were in there. "Where's your friends?" I asked.

"None of them asked me to pick them up," he said calmly. We listened to his music on the way to school. We arrived & as soon as I got out the car I felt dizzy and almost fell but caught myself with Cam's car. "Woah, are you okay?" he asked. I nodded my head. "Are you sure your looking a little pale today," he said. "I fine....... I think," I replied.

"Are you sure?......... have you eaten?" he asked. It's like he knew what I was doing & wasn't doing. "No," I said weakly. "What was the last meal you ate?" he asked. "Breakfast from yesterday," I replied nervously. "Alright you have to eat something," he said quickly. "I can't. Everytime I smell food I wanna throw up," I said. "Okay well you have to try. Come on, I bet my friends have food. They always do," he teased.

"Hey guys," he said approaching them as they made room for us. "Hey," they shouted. "Do you guys have food?" he asked and gestured towards me. Gilinsky noticed his gesture and immediately made a move. "Oh, I think I do, lemme check," he said looking into his backpack. "I have donuts & cheez itz," he suggested pulling them out of his back pack. "Ugh, perfect," I exclaimed and reached over to grab them. "Thank you," I said opening the food.

A few minutes after eating I felt it in my stomach, the feeling of having to throw up. I dropped everything quickly & ran over to the side. I felt everyone's eyes turning on me as they watched me hurl all the food I ate. I turned back around with all of them staring at me with worry in there eyes. "I ate something last night that made me throw up last night & this morning," I lied. They looked at each other confused then caught on. "Oh okay," said some of them.

The bell rang & I grabbed my stuff & started heading for class. "Abbs wait," shouted Cam as he ran towards me. "What?" I said rudely. "Sorry, it's nothing. We have the same class so I thought we'd walk together," he said softly. "I'm sorry.... mood swings," I said. "It's okay," he replied.

"You told your friends didn't you?" I asked slightly smiling. "Told them what? What? No. Of course I didn't. W-What are you talking about?" he said nervously. "Cam, I know you told them," I said. "What? No I....... fine. I did tell them," he admitted. "I knew it," I replied slightly smiling. "Are you mad?" he asked nervously. "No, because I trust them & I trust that they won't tell anyone..... right?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Cameron!" shouted a familiar voice. He looked up behind me & moaned in annoyance. Bianca. "Better go talk to her," I said turning my head looking at her.

I turned back around and walked to class leaving the two of them to talk.

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