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*Abby's POV*

I left home after the mall and sat in my room thinking in silence. I stayed in my trim the rest of the day and eventually fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and checked the time; 7:38 am. I got up, took a shower, and got ready. After I did my hair, which I just blow dried. I put on my outfit.

I headed out and took my mom's car

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I headed out and took my mom's car. I drove to Starbucks and got myself a Vanilla Bean Frappe with extra caramel. Not knowing what to do since it was now 8:42 in the morning, I just decided to drive around.

I probably drove around for about an hour just wasting gas. I went to the gas station and got gas and a brownie. I ate the brownie on my way home.

I went inside to the smell of pancakes and bacon. "Hey, honey," said my mom confused. I smiled and gave no reply. "Where'd you go? Why are you up this early?" she asked. "I just woke up and decided to go out?" "Do you want breakfast or did you have some already?" she asked. I nodded my head. "Yeah, I had some"

"I'm gonna go do some homework now," I told her. She nodded her head and I headed up stairs. I finished all my homework by 12:30. I sat on my bed in silence. I was just so bored now that I wasn't so busy with Cam anymore.

I took a deep breath and fell hard on my bed laying down. I shouldn't talk to him. My phone rang and broke my thoughts. "Hello?" I answered. It was Bianca. "What should I wear today?" she asked cheerily. "Um....... depends on where your going I guess," I replied.

"Well, I think you mean depends on who I'm hanging out with," she said. "Um..... okay??? Well who are you hanging out with then?" I asked. "The one and only Cameron," she replied happily. My heart dropped and I felt the expressions on my face go blank.

"Um...... look just wear what ever you want I'm sure he won't mind," I said blankly. "Okay....... well I," "Look I gotta go, I'm pretty busy," I said cutting her off and hung up. "How fucking annoying ," I thought to myself. I had a feeling she was only doing this because she knows about me and Cam.

I felt so down and weak, and fell asleep. I woke up around 4:57 feeling confused and groggy from such a long nap. I got up, brushed my hair, and went downstairs. I didn't find my mom downstairs or the car keys. There was a note on the table that said, "Work emergency. Be back tomorrow. Take care, love you Abbs. Love mom"

I put the note down and made myself some food. I turned on the tv and watched some 'Teen Wolf' for the remaining day. Five minutes later my phone dinged from a text from Bianca. "Cameron and I are officially together" I ignored the text and continued watching.

Forgive: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now