As Time Went On

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*Abby's POV*

As time went on the fall semester of college had began. My schedule was so full and Cam was always so busy now with even more tour dates to come. We barely had anymore time to talk to each other. Our conversations got shorter and we argued about each other, blaming each other for why we were barely able to talk to each other anymore.

We still somewhat made it work and visited each other a couple times but the vibe was different. I still loved him so much and that wasn't gonna change. In April, magcon had come to an end and he was really upset over that. He had told me that he moved to L.A and got an apartment with Nash. He gave me the address in case I ever wanted to come visit.

It was spring break and I decided to surprise him so I purchased a ticket to California and flew there to stay for 3 days. As I arrived at the apartment, Nash opened the door and was delighted to see me. He told me that Cam was out of town but he wasn't sure where he went. All Cam told him was he was gonna be gone for a few days.

Waste of my money and ticket. I caught up with Nash asking him how everyone was and what they're doing now. Jack and Jack was making music. Shawn was also making music. Matthew was going on his own tour soon and he wasn't very sure about Carter, Taylor, Or Aaron. Also that Mahogany was getting very big off her youtube channel. After catching up I left and checked myself into a hotel and decided that L.A would be my get away since Cam wasn't there.

My mom was crazy busy all the time but the money was great. After my first year of college I still had no idea what I wanted to do. During my college year, I was working at Starbucks and got money from that. I decided to drop out of college because I didn't want to keep going if I still didn't know what I wanted to do. My mom wasn't very happy with my decision but I was. Cam and I eventually broke up in June but we both agreed to do it since we weren't even talking to each other that much anymore.

I was of course heartbroken from it because I still loved him. I cried for days and was really sad over it, not depressed just really sad. I'm not sure how he took it because we eventually lost contact with each other. We talked for a few weeks after our break up but we eventually died out. I lost contact with all his friends too. After a few months I still kept up with Cam on social media. Not stalking him, just seeing how he was doing once in awhile.

*2 years later*

In 2014, he got casted in a movie called Expelled, modeled for Aeropostale along with Nash and Carter and Nash's little brother Hayes. I was so proud of him and still very much loved him. I eventually stopped keeping up with him anymore.

It's been 2 years since I've last heard from Cam or stalked up on him. This one evening I was flipping through the channels and saw Cameron Dallas on TMZ. He was being interviewed and I watched the whole thing and eventually cried because I missed him. I eventually moved to L.A, not because Cam was there or hell, I don't even know if he still lives there but to find what I was looking for there.

I eventually did simple models for people, but I wasn't a big famous model but I still got paid well. My instagram followers were going up along with my twitter followers. It was August now, and the teen choice awards were on. The nominees for choice male web star were Matthew Espinosa..... wow this kid really came along. Proud of him too. Joey Graceffa which I've never really heard about. Ryan Higa, which he is an amazing funny youtuber. Felix, Tyler Oakley, and Cameron Dallas. He's gone so far and I'm beyond proud of him. And guess who won? Cameron Dallas. Really honestly so proud and happy for how far he's gone.

He also eventually was starting up to become a Calvin Klein model which is something that he's always wanted to do. I was so happy for him when I found out about the news.

A few weeks later I decided to go to the mall since I wanted new clothes. I saw Volcom and immediately thought of Cameron. I gave myself a soft smile and headed in to see what I can find. I was in a haze when suddenly.

"Abby?" my eyes widened as I looked up and my heart was beating so crazily. "Cam?"

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