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*Abby's POV*

*3 weeks later*

After 6th period I headed to the bathroom. I felt like I was gonna throw up. I quickly ran in and immediately felt it come out my throat. I came out of the restroom after washing up and turned the corner to bump into Bianca. "Oh perfect it's you. The person I was looking for," she said. "Move Bianca, you don't wanna mess with me right now," I said in annoyance.

"Wait.... there's a party later," she said. "Okay, what's your point?" I said. "Look it's not my party but I was told to invite you or else I wasn't able to go," she said in annoyance. "And yes don't worry Cam's going but your not supposed to tell him your going, but he's gonna be there, trust me," she said. "Why would I do that?" I said. "Because I told him your going so he's going too. Guess you better go since he's going," she said walking around me. "Oh shit.... here's the address," she said turning around & giving me a piece of paper. "It starts at 8 by the way, just so you know," she shouted.

After school Cam dropped me off and I went straight to sleep. I woke
up around 6:30 still tired and groggy. I laid in bed for awhile until I felt enough energy to get up. I ate some cereal then decided to somewhat get ready for this party. My mom was home so I decided to take her car. "Hey mom, I'm gonna go out okay?" I asked as she sat down on the couch watching tv.

"We're leaving tomorrow," she replied. "Which is why I wanna go to my last high school party," I said starting to get irritated. "Fine go," she said. I left the house angrily with my hormones raging through my body. I started the engine and went on my way to the party. I ended up in a place where barely any cars were.

"Oh fuck, I think I'm lost," I whispered to myself. Since there were no cars I decided to speed up a bit when suddenly a car hit my car right on the side. I felt a sharp pain in my head and every part of my body vibrated very hard and everything went black after the 5 seconds of extremely painful pain.

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