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*Cameron's POV*

5 days later..

Since the fight happens between Abby & Bianca I haven't talked to Abby much. Binky always talked to me & talked about how aggressive Abby was with her. That was her side of the story but I haven't heard Abby's. She wouldn't anything like that to make her act that way. Binky must've done something to provoke Abby.

"Hey Cam!" I hear as I walked towards my locker. I turned to see Binky with a cast around her neck. "Hey," I reply blankly. "So I was thinking...." she started. But I didn't care to listen because I saw Abby walking into the halls looking down blankly. She always dressed so nice. Today she wore a baseball tee with grey sleeves, light washed ripped jeans which were cuffed, and her white hightop vans.

She was walking & a girl bumped into her on accident or maybe it was one. "Watch the fuck out!" she said. "What? Are you gonna choke me too?" replied the girl stepping in closer to Abby. "I just fucking might," said Abby angrily as she threw her backpack down. I quickly ran over there leaving Binky behind. I picked her backpack up and grabbed her by the arm. "I would leave her alone right now," I said sternly to the girl.

I dragged Abby to my car and stood there. She looked so angry and blank as she stared at the ground. "Are you okay?" I asked breaking the silence. She shrugged her shoulders in reply. "You know I haven't heard your side of the story. You know when you and Binky fought," I brought up. "what's there to tell? your just gonna take her word for it anyways," she replied looking up at me.

"You don't know that," I replied. She shook her head and took a deep breath. "Can I just sit down in your car?" she asked. I unlocked the car and got in there with her. We sat in silence for about five minutes. "I.... I don't know what got into me when I fought with her," she finally spoke. "She told me that you guys had...... sex," she continued.

"What? W-what..... n-no. That's not true at all," I replied confused. "So you didn't have sex with her?" she asked. "No," I replied. "That's why I attacked her and almost killed her. She was saying things about when you guys had sex so I got really mad. It's like when my hands were around her throat I completely zoned out. Because I didn't even notice you or hear you until you pushed me off," she explained.

"But anyways, I uh..... I never told you thanks for not letting me kill her. I don't know what would've happened if you didn't show up," she said. I nodded my head in reply as in "you're welcome." "Hey what were you doing there?" she asked.

"I uh... I just wanted to see you & tell you that things between me and Bianca are over," I replied. "You guys aren't back together or anything?" she asked. I shook my head. "Hey do you..... do you wanna get out of here?" I asked. She smiled softly and nodded her head. I started the car & drove off.

Forgive: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now