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*Cameron's POV*

I left home after a few hours with Abby. I felt a lot better knowing that she was conscious and remember pretty much everything before the accident. There was a knock on the door and I went to go get it. "Bianca?" I asked confused. "Hey, um. I'm sorry about Abby.... is she..... is she okay?" she asked. She had a cut on her eyebrow and bruised cheek. "Yeah she's alive but not okay," replied. "How'd you know about Abby?" I asked confused. "News spreads around quickly on social media," she replied. I nodded my head in understanding. "What happened to you?" I asked looking at her wounds. "Um, long story," she said. "Does she.... remember anything at all?" she asked. "No, she doesn't," I answered feeling suspicious. "Anyways, um I'm sorry about Abby & I should go," she said letting herself out.

*two weeks later*

Abby was discharged from the hospital sooner than I expected and was back in school sooner than I expected. "Hey Abbs," I said approaching her giving her a tight side hug. She hissed and winced in pain. "I'm still a little sore," she said slightly laughing. "Sorry," I said giving her a kiss on the cheek. "How are you? With everything?" I asked. "I'm fine Cam. You don't have to ask me this everyday," she said giving a little laugh afterwards.

"Sorry, just checking," I replied smiling. We walked to the bench together holding hands and talking. "Aye, there she is," said all my friends. It was the first time they were seeing her since the hospital. She laughed lightly and looked down from embarrassment. "How do you feel?" asked Matthew. "I'm okay, but just a little sore," she replied massaging her neck. "Hey Abby," said a nervous voice behind me.

*Abby's POV*

"Bianca?" I said as soon as I turned around. Bianca? I saw Bianca before I went out. Why did I see her? I remember she was telling me something but I just don't remember. It was at the tip of my tongue but I just.... I just didn't know. "Hey Abby..... um are you okay?" she asked. "Fine, thanks for asking," I replied confused. "Okay, well I'm gonna go now," she said leaving. "Is it just me or did she look,"

"Guilty," I said finishing the sentence for Johnson. "Maybe she just feels bad," I said sitting down. "She came to see me after you woke up in the hospital," said Cam. "Really? Were you home?" I asked. "Yeah. She asked me about you. she looked nervous and scared. But the weird thing is she had a cut on her eyebrow like it was recent & and and bruise on her cheek." he continued.

"Maybe she got in a fight, I mean she did try to kill me," I joked. "Maybe," said Gilinsky adding on. We sat down at the table and talked for the remaining time. The bell rang & I headed to class. After class I walked out seeing two girls talking to each other. "My party is gonna be on Friday since my parents are going out of town, here's the address," she said giving the other girl a paper. Why did that look and sound so familiar? "Hey," said Bianca passing by me. I remembered in that moment. Bianca was giving me an address to party that I was gonna go to. And Cam was gonna be there too. Now I remember where I was going the day of my accident.

"Hey,"'said Cam giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Are you okay?" he asked. I was so in the zone I couldn't focus on my answer. "Abbs? You good?" he asked taking my arm. He walked is over to the side of the hallway where we wouldn't be in the way. "I remember now," I said still thinking hard about it. "Remember what?" he asked staring hard at me. "I remember where I was going the....... the day of my accident," I said looking up at him.

"Where were you going?" he asked. "To a party..... You were invited too. I remember Bianca......... she......... she gave me an address..... and she.... she told me not to tell you because you were gonna be there," I said. "What? What are you........ Abby there was no party I don't........" his eyes widened as he faded out. "What? What Cameron?" I asked desperately. "Um, go to class," he said getting up and walking away.

Forgive: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now