Next Chapter of Our Lives

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*Cameron's POV*

Today was finally the day. Officially done with high school and now me just getting ready to go to this ceremony. I put my gown on and headed for Nash's house to pick him up. "I'm so fucking nervous dude," he said as he got in the car. "Nah me too, don't even worry about it," I replied. The rest of the guys were meeting up at the school and so was Abby.

"Abby Acer," announced the principle. There were many claps and many cheers and I clapped the shit out of my hands for her and yelled at the top of my lungs for her as she went up to get her diploma. "Cameron Dallas." and there were so many shouts and claps. There was so much hype going on with my friends. I finally made it and finally glad to have made it. What a year it's been.

After the graduation ceremony we took many pictures and made many vines. We headed to sober grad night but first changed our clothes. Abby brought shorts and a shirt to change into while wearing her vans. We changed into the typical guy casual clothes. Jeans and a random shirt with our sneakers. We arrived, ate food, danced a little, made more vines, and eventually left to go hang out.

*1 week later*

"Promise me that you'll call any chance you get okay?" said Abby giving me a hug and a kiss. She was moving to Washington with her mom and was attending University of Washington. I'm not sure what she was majoring into but she wasn't so sure either. "Okay, I promise," I said giving her a hug. Our first stop for tour was Houston, Texas. "I love you," she said as tears filled her eyes. "I love you too," I said giving her a kiss.

"Yo Cam, we gotta go," shouted Gilinsky. "See you soon I hope," I said as I waved to her. I boarded the plane and immediately felt empty already. "It's okay you guys can always facetime," said Nash sitting next to me. "It's not the same as being with her though," I said looking out the window.

The first Magcon event was lit as fuck. We met so many amazing fans and took photos and it was really hype. After a few more days of staying in Houston it was time for our next tour city: Dallas. We arrived and checked into a hotel. "Well if it isn't Cameron Dallas in Dallas," joked Nash. The others laughed along to his stupid joke which somewhat made me laugh too.

*Abby's POV*
Cam facetimed me after his first show and explained every detail. He was so cute explaining it to me how much he smiled, how happy he was when he talked about his fans, and how much he loves meeting them. God I just miss him so fucking much. "When's your next show?" I asked. "It's in Dallas this weekend why?" he asked. "Just wondering," I replied as I went back to finishing my papers for college. After we were done talking, I immediately went to to look at the tickets. I quickly purchased a vip ticket before they sold out and purchased a ticket to Dallas, Texas for this upcoming weekend. I was suppose to head out Thursday and settle in on Friday. Then Saturday would I meet the love of my life once again. I sound like such a fan, but he is the love of my life.

*Wednesday Night*

I packed my clothes to head out tomorrow and headed for bed. The next day I awoke, got ready and called myself a taxi driver. I left my mom note since she wasn't home, and I knew she'd be pissed at me but I'm coming back.

I settled into a hotel and slept through the night. It was now Saturday and I was getting more nervous and excited as the time got closer. It's been like a month since I last saw him. I took a quick shower, blow dried my hair straight, and did my name up. I filled in my brows, put some concealer on, and applied a thin coat of mascara and added some chapstick. As for my outfit, I wore a grey nike shirt with some black jeans and paired it with my nike air forces.

 I called a taxi and made my way to the convention

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I called a taxi and made my way to the convention. I watched Cam and all the other guys perform and how the crowd was so loud. I was so proud of them all so happy for them. It's so crazy how one app can change your life forever. After the show it was time for the meet and greet. I stood in a long long line of girls just waiting to meet Cam.

About 45 minutes later it was Alonso my turn. Probably about 6 people away. I decided to put my sunglasses on so he wouldn't notice me so soon and looked down into my phone. It was now 5 people away........ 4 people away..... 3 people away........ 2 people away..... and now 2 person away.

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