Make It Work

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*Abby's POV*

I woke up the next more with my head slightly throbbing. I was in my bra with the covers over me but was wearing nothing below. I felt a smile form across my face as I remembered what had happened last night. Cam wasn't beside me as I looked over. I got out of bed and put my underwear on and soon after the door creaked open. "Hey," he said smiling holding a cup in his hand. "You okay?" he asked handing me the cup which contained coffee and handing me a pill in his other hand.

"It's not bad but I'm okay," I replied chugging down the pill. "You remember...." "about how we had sex last night? Yeah, I remember," I said cutting him off smiling. "So your not like thinking that I 'raped' you or anything right?" he joked. I laughed it off and picked up my pants and got dressed. I headed for the restroom, splashed my face with some cold water, and used the mouthwash that was there since I didn't have my toothbrush.

I headed to the living room and all the boys were sprawled out on the floor or the couches either sleeping or on their phones. "Hey guys," I said giving the ones who were awake a half smile and waving. "Sup," said Taylor not looking away from his device and held out a peace sign. The few others put there hand up or gave me a sup nod.

"Got any food?" I asked Nash as he was in the kitchen getting pills from the cupboard. "Uh I think there's yogurt & eggs in the fridge," he said gesturing towards the fridge. "Do you have ice cream?" I asked. "Ice cream for breakfast?" he said laughing lightly. "Yeah, it's like the best thing ever," I replied laughing. "I think we have some vanilla in the freezer," he said.

I grabbed a spoon from the drawer and took out the bucket of ice cream. I happily ate the ice cream as I went on Instagram scrolling through my feed catching up. "Hey man you good?" said Cam asking Nash. "Been better I guess," he replied as Cam gently took the spoon from my hand and took a few bites. I didn't mind it at all because he just made me so happy. After chilling with all the guys for awhile we cleaned up the place and headed for our hometown.

"Thanks for everything," I said as we pulled up to my house. "Yeah it's no problem babe," he replied smiling. "Can't believe we're graduating already," he said shaking his head smiling. "Yeah I know," I replied testing my hand on his thigh. "Hey...... you'll still make everything work right? I mean after we graduate... right?" I asked nervously. "Yeah... Yeah, of course why would you ask that?" he said confused. "No.... it's just.... I'm worried that you'll just cut me off," I said laughing sarcastically.

"No.... I wouldn't because I love you and you know that," he said holding my face in between his hands. "I love you too," I said before making out with him.

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