Summer Kick Off

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*Cameron's POV*

*4 weeks later*

It was just literally 5 days before we were gonna graduate. It was Friday and Nash was planning to throw the summer kick off party at his parents lake house. We got out of school early today because the ninth, tenth, and eleventh graders were testing. I decided to go with Nash to help him set up with some of the other guys. "I'll pick you up later okay?" I said telling Abby as I was talking to her on the phone. "Okay.... bye," she said. "Bye," I replied.

"Yo can you help me with this?" said Nash wheeling the kegs in. "Sure," I replied. "Damn... that's a lot of alcohol," I said looking around the room. There were bottles of vodka, patron, whiskey, and bunch of other drinks on the table. "People wanna get fucked up. Especially since it's the weekend," he said. "Alright," I replied helping him pick up the keg and putting it on the table.

It was now 8:32 and people were arriving already. "Yo what time did you say this thing started?" I asked Nash. "8:00 to 9:00," he replied. "What? If ends at nine?" I asked confused. "No stupid. It starts around 8 to 9. It ends when most people leave," he said. "Fuck I gotta go get Abby," I said grabbing my keys. Luckily Nash's lake house was only about 40 minutes away.

I finally arrived at her house and knocked on her door. She opened the door wearing a baseball t and dark washed ripped skinny jeans with her white hightop vans. "Hey," I said giving her a kiss. "Thanks," she said closing the door. "My moms coming back tomorrow around 4 pm," she said. "Where is she now?" I asked. "Utah," she replied walking to the car.

We finally arrived and it was now about 10:32. There were so many cars and the music was bumping. Abby grabbed my hand and we made our way to the house. "Hey," said Nash holding a cup as we walked in. "Taylor and some other people were playing beer pong while the other guys watched and recorded taking turns in playing. I turned back to where Abby was but she was gone. She was getting herself some vodka. "Hey are you sure your okay doing this?" I said. "Dude, it's the summer kick off. Everyone's gonna get fucked up," she said pouring herself a cup.

"Hey I'm gonna be over there okay?" I said pointing to where the guys were at. She nodded her head and walked over to where the shots were being taken. I played a few games of beer pong with the guys for about 30 minutes. I turned to the kitchen and Abby was laying on the counter while people were pouring drinks into her mouth. "Alright your turn," said Taylor.

"Here dude you haven't had one drink all night," said Nash handing me a cup of beer. "Nah, I'm good I have to drive Abby home," I said pushing the cup away. "It's one drink. And plus you and Abby can sleep here if you get too drunk," he said. "Fine," said grabbing the cup. "There you go," he said giving me a pat on the back. I hung with the guys and probably had 3 cups. I wasn't drunk but slightly buzzed. I had to pee very badly and headed upstairs for the bathroom.

I came out the restroom after I was done and bumped into someone. "Abby?" I said lifting her head up. "Hey I was looking for you," she said smiling. "Come here," she said dragging me by my hand and pulling me into a room. She closed the door and started making out with me. She pulled off my shirt and we backed up onto the bed. "Woah woah, wait........ how much did you have?" I asked tasting the alcohol in her mouth. "Not sure," she said pulling my neck down. "Wait Abby we can't... your too drunk," said putting my shirt back on. "Your not much of a drinker are you?" she asked. "Not really," I replied.

"I'm not that drunk........ I swear." she said raising her right hand up smiling. "Yes you are," I replied giving her a light push on her shoulder. She slowly backed up from my push and came forward towards me. "I'm heavily buzzed. Not drunk," she said grabbing my hand. "Look I'll prove it to you," she said. She took her pointer finger and touched the tip of her nose. "See? Not that drunk, just buzzed." she said. "It's okay I know you want to," she said stepping in closer to me.

She took off her shirt and laid down on the bed. "Take my shoes off?" she said tilting her head. I bent down and took her shoes off and neatly setting them aside. She unbuttoned her pants and slid them off. "Okay I thought you were just taking your shirt off to sleep." I said confused. "What? No. You knew what was going down didn't you?" she said sitting up and touching my abs.

Her hands went down to my pants and she slowly went inside my pants touching my bladder causing chills running down my body. "I know you want to," she whispered. "Abby stop this isn't you," I said with a little laugh. "Yes it is. It's buzzed me talking, but I'll be sure to remember everything in the morning." she said pulling me towards her. She stood up on the bed kneeling and leaned over to my ear. "I want you," she whispered. Before I knew it I plunged myself towards her and had her hands pinned down. I attacked her lips and we messily made out. I made my way down to her neck and explored the rest of her body with my lips. She moaned as pulled her panties down touching her area. She gaped her mouth open at my touch and breathed heavily.

She pushed my pants down and touched my bulge through my Calvin Klein briefs. I shivered from her touch and slightly moaned from it. I couldn't wait any longer and took my boxers off halfway down and pushed myself inside of her, moaning as I went I deeper. She moaned and closed her eyes while furrowing her brows and had her mouth gaped open.

She took her bra off as I was doing me and threw it to the ground. "More," she whimpered still closing her eyes.

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