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*Cameron's POV*

I got out the car and greeted Abby as she entered the gate into school. "Hey sorry I didn't pick you up this morning," I said as I have her kiss on the cheek. "It's okay, I kind of needed the walk anyways," she said. "You look better...... did you eat?" I asked.

"Thanks and yes I did eat," she had happily. "Glad to see you finally accepted the food," I said touching her stomach. She smiled and grabbed my hand started walking towards the bench. "So um I told my mom.... that I'm pregnant," she said. "What? You did? I thought we agreed to tell our parents together?" I said confused.

"I know and I'm sorry. I sort of had to because I needed a reason to stay," she said looking down on the ground. "Reason to stay? What does that mean?" I said confused. "She got promoted. Which means we have to move," she said sadly. "Move? What? Where? It's close though right? I mean can see you,"

"To Washington," she said cutting me off. "Washington?" I repeated. She bit her lip and nodded with tears filling her eyes. "Aw fuck no.... no no no," I said almost crying. "Sshh sshh, it's okay Cam; I think I might be able to stay," she said comforting me. "Your mom's not gonna leave you alone," I said. "I'm almost 18. I turn 18 in June so she can't force me to go with her," she said convincing me a little. "Why would you wanna stay? I'm leaving for tour anyways," I said almost crying even more.

"I know but...... we leave at the end of this week," she trailing off. "What?! The end of this week?! Abby you... you can't," I said frantically. "I know, I know. But I'm not leaving so it's okay," she said trying to shush me. "No, it's not okay. You and I both know that your leaving no matter how hard you try to stay. Your not 18 yet. Not in 3 months till your 18 & I doubt your mom will wait that long," I told her.

The bell rang interrupting what she was going to say. "Let's get to class," I said grabbing her hand.

After class we didn't speak a word to each other and went straight to our second period. She had psychology while I had art...... with Bianca. I walked into class and sat down in my seat. A few minutes later Bianca came in and sat next to me. "Uh you know that's Taylor's seat right?" I said notifying her. "I know, he can sit in my seat," she said as she was settling in. "I need to talk to you though," she said.

Taylor walked in a immediately gave a "what the fuck" face. I shrugged my shoulders & gestured towards her seat. He walked over to her chair and slumped onto it annoyed. "So what is it you want to tell me?" I asked.

"Okay class settle down, let me take attendance then you guys can get back to your drawings," said Mr. Gomez. He took roll and everyone continued talking again. "Okay, now tell me," I said pulling out my drawing. "Cam, I love you," she said. "Bianca... don't,"

"Shut up & listen to me," she said frustrated. "Sorry," I mumbled. "anyway..... I wanted to say I'm really sorry for all the shit I put you & Abby through. I'm really sorry for fucking things up between the two of us but I miss that........ and I miss you." she said extending her hand towards mine. "I know that you don't like me the way you like Abby but you will if you get to know me more. And I can prove that to you, hopefully. I know you may think I'm psychotic which I don't see why not, but it's because of you. Your really special and you don't see that. I'm crazy for you," she said looking deeply into my eyes. So will you? Give me another chance?" she spoke softly.

I pulled my hand away from hers. "Bianca..... thank you...... really for saying all those things but...... me and Abby are back together now," I said feeling bad. "What? You guys are?" she said sounding heartbroken. I nodded my head. "Oh, well.... that's okay." she said looking down and continuing her artwork. We didn't talk for the rest of the period.

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