Chapter 1: Everyone's secrets?!!

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It's been a month since Rin was revealed to be the son of Satan and everyone now knows his secret. At first everyone was scared no doubt. But after a while, they got used to it. But however tensions still rise between them and Rin. The older Okumura was trying his best to get everyone to open up to him but that was going to be a problem.

Shiemi was still scared of him.

Bon throwed angry remarks at him.

Shima and Konekomaru would back away.

Izumo...Well Izumo didn't really care...

To make things worse Yukio, Rin's younger twin brother and Exorcist teacher wasn't being much help. They used to be closed, however, after the death of Fujimoto and being found out as the son of Satan. Things changed between them. Yukio relationship with Rin had become really sour when Yukio wouldn't really help his brother with his problem. Yukio would either ignore Rin or make him do his homework to which Rin refuse to do. Finally to add top of that. Everyone in True Cross knows that Rin is the son of Satan.

The Vatican said he had six months to live to complete his exorcist exam or he'll be executed. So far besides Shura with his training, no one was really helping Rin with his problem. He guess it's because he's a demon and they wouldn't help him...That really hurt. They were his first friends and they betrayed him. He wished things would go back to the way they were when they were actually 'friends'.

Rin sighed before Yukio came in, mostly ignoring Rin's existence before going to the chalkboard.

Rin also wished his brother would at least talk to him. But Yukio had already given up on him. Blaming him for everything, espically Shiro's death. Instead of a brother, what hurts Rin the most that Yukio now treats him like he some kinda weapon or demon.

Rin: (I guess it's better that I don't exist...Maybe it's for the best...)

Before Rin could do anything else. A purple smoke came outta nowhere in the classroom grabbing everyone's attention.

Mephisto: Hello fellow exwires~!


Yukio: Sir Pheles, what is the meaning of this?

Mephisto makes a creepy smile.

Mephisto: Now Now Okumura Sensei. I see there's been some tension going on between your students.

Yukio: There's nothing going on. Everything is fine.

Mephisto kept smirking knowing that Yukio is lying.

Mephisto then twired his purple umbrella saying his favorite magic words.

Mephisto: Eins~! Zwei~ Drei~!

Then a few journals all spread around the classroom.

Shiemi: T-This is my diary?!

Bon: W-What the hell?!

Shima: H-Hey! This is mine?!

Izumo: Mine as well?!

Yukio: Sir Pheles?! What is going on?!

Mephisto turned his head towards the younger Okumura.

Mephisto: To stop the tension between you and your students. You, your brother, and the exwires are all going to tell each other secrets.

This caused an outrage!



Mephisto: Oh but that's where you wrong, yes I can~!

Mephisto then snap his fingers and lock the doors.

Mephisto: Now you all have no choice. Unless you want to remain in this room, you will all tell each other secrets of your past all the present. Your dark secrets, happiness, pain, and sadness will be revealed.

Everyone looked at the demon principal like he was crazy.

Yukio: Why...Are you doing this?

Mephisto: Because it's about time you all get along. Espically with Rin.

Everyone looked at Rin who hitched his breath in a panicking mode. They're...They're all going to find out...Including Yukio...They would hate him even more!!

Mephisto: Miss Kirigakure will also be here. Since she's also part of these entries as well. So who wants to read first~?


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