Chapter 6: So Many Secrets...

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Mephisto: Welcome back fellow exwires~!

Everyone was not in the mood to see the clown. Mephisto see this and continues to grin.

Mephisto: I hope you're ready~! Before we get back to the Okumura Twins! Its time we find out more about your secrets~!

Shiemi: So...Who going to go first?

Shima: Not me.

Bon: Hell no.

Izumo: Forget it...

Konekomaru: I-I'm not ready yet!

Shura: Oh come on! Quit being a bunch of babies!!


Bon: Fine! I'll read!

Bon grabs the diary and begins to read the first entry. On the diary it says: Kyoto Trio. So of course it would be about Bon, Shima, and Konekomaru.

Bon: Oh...It's about me...

Shura: Well go on read...Unless your scared.

Bon growls and begins to read.

Bon: Dear Diary, I'm the child of the cursed temple in Kyoto. I always been called that ever since the blue night when Satan had murdered all the exorcist except for a few including my father. My hatred of Satan came that day. I swear I would avenge all the clergy men that died there and kill Satan myself. But no one believed me. Even my own father. I was mocked and laughed at. Screw them all. I will destroy Satan one day and anything that is related to him.

Rin's heart skipped a beat when Bon read that last one.

Rin: So...You want to kill me?

Bon: What?! No! Of course not!

Rin: But you said...

Bon: I know what I said! But I don't mean it...Okumura...You also wish to defeat Satan. So you have my respect.

Rin smile a bit and nods.

Izumo: I guess that explains your temper.

Bon: Shut it eyebrows.

Izumo: What did you just call me?!

He ignores her.

Bon: Alright. Next one is Shima's.....


Izumo: Heh. Probably something perverted.

Bon: Here goes. Dear Diary. My family does not love me. Ever since Take-nii died my family told me I was supposed to follow in his footsteps. My father and brothers put a lot of pressure on me. But did it ever occur to them that I want to be my own person. I hate Take-nii. Why was he so special? My family are starting to see Take-nii instead of me. They hardly even think I exist. I wish I can live my own life without so much stress.


Bon: R-Renzou?.....

Shima blushed crimson now that someone knew how he feels...

Konekomaru: Shima...Is that really how you feel? You feel that your family don't care about you?


Bon: Shima...I'm so sorry...I should've known...I thought you wanted to follow in your elder brother's footsteps.

Konekomaru: Why didn't you tell us? We could've did something...

Shima: Funny...That's coming from you two?

Bon: What's that supposed to mean?!

Shima: I thought you two only see me as your perverted idiot of a friend. Some friends I got...

Bon wanted to smack Renzou on the head for saying that. How dare he?! They were friends! They been friends since their childhood!

Bon: How could you say that?!....Is it my fault?

Shima:...No...It's mine....I should've never been born...

Konekomaru: Shima! Please don't say that!

Shima: Just continue. I don't wanna hear no more of this.

Bon glares at Shima before continuing.

Bon: It's Konekomaru this time. Dear Diary, I'm a cat lover. I enjoy hanging out around cats, including Rin's cat sidhe Kuro. I keep a cat toy to play with him when Rin brings him over.

Everyone couldn't help but chuckle hearing this.

Rin: Ya know, Kuro does miss playing with you. All you have to do is ask.

Konekomaru: I see...I can visit you guys on the weekends.

Rin: Sure! I can even make a good feast for you.

Konekomaru: Thanks!

Bon continued reading another entry.

Bon: It's Shima's again. Dear Diary, I'm not sure anyone knows yet. Unlike Rin, I have black flames and I'm apart of a group called secret organization called the illuminati. I'm keeping an eye on the Sons of Satan and Kamaki for a while. I must focus on the mission. No one should know yet.

Eveyone eyes went wide as they stare at Shima. Majority Rin, Yukio, Izumo, Shura, Bon, and Konekomaru.

Bon: Shima....What?

Shima: Oops....

Konekomaru: Shima...That's not true...Right?

Shima:....It's true....

They all couldn't believe it...Shima was a traitor to True Cross.

Shura: Wait...What mission and what do you mean you have black flames?


Shiemi: Ummm...What's the illuminati?

Mepshito: Why my dear, The Illuminati is an extremely powerful organization located within Asssiah. They front themselves publicly as an organization known as the Bright Future Foundation which sponsored the changing of Inari to a tourist destination, using the area name as a forefront for their activities. Underneath the surface, however, the Illuminati conducts experiments on how to force-possess demons into a human being.
It's leader is the one of the demon kings himself: Lucifer.

Yukio: Wait Lucifer, the Demon King of Light.

Mephisto: That's right~!

Bon and Konekomaru looked heartbroken.

Bon: Shima...Why?


Konekomaru: We'll...We'll talk about this later...

Bon: A-Alright...

Izumo was shocked herself.does that mean...That Shima knows her secret too...She hoped not...But a gut feeling already told her...He did.

There was a bit of drama going on between the Kyoto Trio. Bon and Konekomaru continued to look at Shima much to his dismay. How was he going to get outta this one?

Bon continues reading.

Bon: It's about all three of us. Dear Diary, unlike everyone else we have suffered the most because of Satan. Shima lost his eldest brother. Konekomaru lost his parents and I lost my grandfather. Despite our losses. We become stronger. The bond between us makes friends and brothers. That what makes us the Kyoto Trio.

Everyone smiled at that. Bon, Shima, and Konekomaru really are close. But after reading all of these entries including Shima's. Were they still close? Espically when everyone learn about Shima's biggest secrets....


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