Chapter 14: Mending The Bond

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The next day, everyone had returned to the room to find out what other secrets they all had being kept from one another.

Rin was starting to not like the tensions between his friends.

He looks at Shiemi who had tears falling from her eyes. Izumo had questioning looks. The Kyoto Trio were glaring at each other. From what Rin heard from Izumo, they had a fight last night which ended in a nasty brawl between Bon and Shima. Konekomaru did not stop the fight because he felt worthless to do anything.

Yukio and Shura still had their doubts to trust none of the exwires.

Rin only had one person to blame. Mephisto...

Mephisto: Hello again, fellow exwires~!

Speak of the devil, the clown just arrived must to everyone's discomfort.


Mephisto: Is everyone ready for more sec-?!

Before he can finish his question, Shura yelled at him.

Shura: Save it Mephisto, we're all not in the mood. Let's just get this over with!

Mephisto raised his hands in defense.

Mephisto: Fine Fine~! So who wants to read?


Rin: -Groan- Fine....I'll read...

Yukio: Are you sure Nii-san?

Rin: I don't care no more Yukio...I mean look at everyone...Like Shura, I just want to get this over with...


Rin grabbed the diary and read the next entry.

Rin: Oh...It's Takara...

Everyone glared at the puppet boy. He's the main reason why they're in this mess.

Rin: Dear Diary, I haven't told Kamaki. But her sister is safe.

Izumo: W-What?

Nemu: She is. She now lives wih my family as my adopted cousin. You do not have to worry. She's in good hands now.

Nemu walked up to her and show her a picture of a girl who looked liked Izumo but younger. She had a happy smile on her face. Izumo recognized it was Tsukumo. Her long lost sister.

Izumo:....Tsukumo...C-Can I visit her...Sometime?

Nemu: Yes you may. Maybe during holidays or weekends.

Everyone watch in shock as Izumo started crying. Besides Rin, no one really saw her cry this way. But they weren't just ordinary tears. They were tears of joy.

Izumo: T-T-Thank you. Thank you! Thank you so much!

Shiemi: Miss Kamiki.

Rin: ....Izumo...

Rin and Shiemi hugged her as she broke down crying in their arms as she finally felt happy for the first time in her life. Her sister was alive and safe. Izumo couldn't wait to see her.

After Izumo's breakdowns. Some tensions in the classroom lifted.

Rin: Alright. Next Entry....Oh it's Shura.

Shura: Here we go again.

Rin: Dear Diary. No one knows yet but that kid who was named "Yamada" who sat in the back...Was actually me...

The only ones who knew about this was Rin, Yukio, and Mephisto.

But the exwires stared in shock.

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