Chapter 5: Brothers

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Rin: Y-Yukio...Why didn't you tell me?


The younger twin flushed in embarassment now that he was the center of attention.

Yukio: I didn't know how you react....The reason why I didn't want no one to know because I was scared if the Vatican would've found out.

Rin:...Yukio please show me your arms..

Yukio: N-No thanks...

Shura: Oh come on you four-eyed-chicken! Stop being such a fready-cat! Show your big brother your arms or I'll force you to do it!


Yukio took off his exorcist jacket and rolled up his sleeves revealing to everyone his mark.

Rin stared in horror. The mark on Yukio seemed to got worser. It was already down to his hand. It also looks like Yukio has claws now because they seemed to be growing. Unlike Rin, who's demon form had just popped up when he first got it. Yukio's transformation seems to be taking slower.

Rin:....This is all my fault...

Yukio: What?!

Shiemi: What do you mean by that Rin?

Rin: If only I wasn't born...Yukio would've had a better life. He would've got a good education and could've become a doctor. If only I wasn't such a screw-up of things...

Yukio: Nii-san!

Rin: ?!

Yukio: Stop blaming yourself!

Rin: But isn't it my fault that you are becoming this way?

Yukio: No it isn't Nii-san...I was destined to become this way even if I didn't want to become a demon. But no matter what I do, it was bound to happen.

Rin: But...Your supossed to be the human twin! Because I'm...The demon one...

Yukio: Nii-san. Your forget we're both Satan's sons. It's not just you. I'm sorry I made you feel like you had no one to trust anymore. I pushed you away and hurted you many times. So I should be the one apologizing.

Rin: Yukio...No matter what your still my little brother. Because I know how that feels.

Yukio: R-Really?!

Rin: Yeah...When I first had the flames. They just popped out. I was scared. I thought they were going to burn me...But they didn't...After a while of finding out I was a demon...I was so scared...Scared of being judged...Scared of hurting people...Scared that everyone would betray me...But I'm not suprised it actually happend...


Guilt had filled everyone when they heard this. They always did wonder how Rin felt to be treated this way. If only they were better friends.

Yukio hugged Rin. After all the times of hearing this. This pained him the most to hear how his brother went through so much. If only he was a more better brother to Rin. For now on, Yukio made a sole promise that he would be by Rin's side for now on.

After all, they are brothers.

Mephisto: Alright~! Let's continue~!

Everyone glared at Mephisto again for ruining the moment.

Rin: Alright....Next Entry...


Rin: Dear Diary, Father told me Rin gave me something before we were born. I later realize it was a mashou. A type of wound that gave me the power to see demons. It was a blessing and a curse. I keep seeing them...Demons...Demons are everywhere...Whispering at me...I'm scared...I told Father...He told me Rin was also a demon as well as we were also the children of Satan. Father asked me did I want to protect Rin and I guess that started my journey to become a exorcist.

Rin: Wait...How long have you been a exorcist?

Yukio: Well...I started my training since I was 7. I then became one when I was 12 years old. I was the youngest exorcist ever to live.

Shura: True. Very true. But your still a chicken.

Yukio ignore her and ask Rin to read more.

Rin: Dear Diary. I love Nii-san. So much. I won't let no one touch Nii-san. He is mine. ALL MINE! I refuse to share him.

Rin: Eh?....

Everyone: ....(WTF?)


A/N: Yandere Yukio anyone?

Rin: Okay...Continuing...

Rin: Dear Diary, Are demons really evil? And are humans really good? Sometimes I ask that question myself...


Bon: Pfft. Of course demons are evil and humans are good. It's obvious.

Rin: Then...What about me?...Or Kuro...Or Ukobach...Are we evil or good?


Izumo: (That idiot...He fucked up again...)

Mephisto: Not entirely Mr. Suguro, that's where you are wrong~!

Shima: What do you mean?

Shura: Are you all idiots or something?! Not all demons are bad and not all humans are good. Most of us humans have committed sins before in our lives.

Konekomaru: But that's because they were possessed.

Izumo: (Idiots...All of them...)

Shura: Not all of them kid. I mean look at the Vatican espically Baldy(Angel). Those assholes had killed more than just demons. They killed half-demons. Those who were innocent and never commited a crime in their life. They even experiment on kids who are younger than you.

Everyone: O.O......

Shura: People these days have did some shit that made them look like monsters. Claiming their possessed, when it was obvious they did it only for amusement. As for demons, not all of them are bad. I mean look at Rin, do you idiots consider him evil just because he's a demon?


Shura: My point exactly. So for your answer chicken. Not all humans are good and not all demons are bad.

Yukio:...I see...Then I guess I was very wrong about Rin...Sorry Nii-san...

Rin: It's okay Yukio. I've said I'm over it.

Mephisto then clapped his hands.

Mephsito: Bravo~! Bravo~! Alright everyone break time~! Now that we know much about the Okumura Twins~! It's time we all learn about you exwires. See ya all soon~!

Exwires: -Growls-

Bon: I hate that clown.

Everyone: Agree.


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