Chapter 11: The Story Of Nemu Takara

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Nemu:.....(Oh no...They're going to find out...)

Shima: Strange. It's not even a diary. It's more of a story.

Bon: Well go on ahead and read it.

Shura: Yeah tell us what puppet boy is keeping from us...


Shima: Alright. Here goes...Nemu Takara is a third-party moderator hired by Mephisto Pheles to supervise the True Cross Academy cram school.

Everyone: What?!

Yukio growled and looked at Mephisto.

Yukio: Sir Pheles, what is the meaning of this?!

Rin: Yeah, what are you keeping from us Clown!

Shura: Yeah I want answers too!

All Mephisto did was smirk.

Mephisto: All will be revealed soon.

The three siblings all glared before going back to their seats. Now it was obvious, despite what's going on, the only person that can not be trusted for now is Mephisto.

Shima: Moving on... Nemu is a mysterious individual that keeps things to himself. In order to properly act as a hidden moderator for the cram school, he would rarely partake in group activities and would often avoid speaking. When he needs to communicate, Nemu typically uses a sock puppet to talk in a high-pitched voice, and will often address others in a rude manner. He commonly does not show respect for his superiors, and will ignore their questions.


Shima: Once his role as a moderator comes to light, Nemu continues to maintain his quiet, eccentric demeanor. However, he is not above putting down the cram school as a waste of time for someone of his skill, indicating a high level of self-confidence.

Bon: Wow. No wonder he wasn't kick out of cram-school. How come we never seen him do any work anyway.

Nemu: For that's for me to know and for you to find out rooster head!


Izumo: Calm down idiot, I swear you got an anger management problem...

Shura: -Giggles- He ain't the only one...

She direct her attention at Rin and Yukio, with both looking confused.

Yukio: Why are you looking at us like that?

Shura: Oh no reason~!


Shima: Okay. Moving on again... Interestingly enough, the doll on Nemu's arm seems to have some level of sentiency and control over the young man's body.

Konekomaru: Wait! So that means....

Bon: The puppet is possessing him?!

Mephisto: Not entirely. No need to get alarm. The puppet is protecting his host. He will not let anything harm the poor boy.

Bon:.....Are you sure?

Mephisto: Positive~!


Nemu: Don't look at me like I'm some kinda disease you ingrates!

Now everyone looked like they were about to strangled the puppet.

But they know they had to keep their distance.

While everyone was not looking, Nemu's eyes looked like they were about to open but the puppet told him to go back to sleep.

A/N: Mephisto had Nemu Takara hired to enter his Exorcist cram school and secretly moderate both the students and Yukio while Shura went undercover keeping an eye out for both the Okumura Twins.

Shima: .....

Bon: Shima what's wrong?

Shima: So you're the person who was going to rat me out.

Everyone was shocked that Shima was glaring at Nemu Takara.

Nemu: Well duh. Because I knew about your and Kamaki's secrets all along.

Izumo: What?!

Shima: I knew you weren't a student.

Yukio: Wait a minute. He's not?

Mephisto: Why yes. You see Takara-san here is actually a Upper First Class Exorcist, indicating that he is more powerful than all of you current Exwires.

Rin: N-No way!

Shiemi: Oh My Goodness!

Bon: Wait! What do you mean Shima that he'll rat you out!


Nemu: Oh that. You want to know why he's here. His mission is to kidnap Izumo Kamaki and take her to the illuminati.

Everyone: WHAT?!!

Bon: S-Shima...You...

Shima:...Looks like the cat outta the bag.

Izumo: Y-You were going to kidnap me?!


Konekomaru: Shima...Are we really friends...Or were you just using us?


Tension had rised between everyone in the classroom. But what got everyone puzzled now is...Who should they trust now....

Nemu Takara...The moderater...

Or Shima...The traitor...

Will this be the end of the exwires friendship that they all were working so hard for?

Shima:...(I wonder if I should tell her that the Illuminati has her mother...)

Nemu: ...(I think it's time we tell her where her sister is at...)

Izumo:...(Why...Why is this happening to me?!)


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