Chapter 9: Rin's Quotes

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Everyone continued staring at Yukio expecting his answer but the younger Okumura stayed quiet.


Shura: Well chicken, aren't you going to tell us?

Yukio: To be honest...I don't know...

Shiemi: What do you mean Yuki...You can tell us...We're your friends.

Yukio: Shiemi...What I mean is. I really have no idea. I found out some time ago during my battle with Saburota, he told me something about my eyes. But I still don't know yet.

Shura: Ugh...Don't remind me about that asshole...

Rin:...Umm...Whose Saburota?

Shura: Well kid. Saburota Todo was once an upper second class exoricst here and he kinda betrayed us. He also a demon eater and he was working for the illuminati.

Everyone turned to Shima expecting if he knows something.

Shima: Hey...Don't look at me...I hardly know the guy or anybody I cooperate with at the illuminati.

Shura:...Hmmm....As I was saying. Saburota is a rather sadistic person. He will manipulate anyone in order to achieve his goals. You might say...He kinda manipulated four-eyes here.


Rin: Y-Yukio...Why didn't you tell me?

Yukio: I...Wanted to keep you safe. But Todo already know everything about us. Even about the secret of my eyes. I was anxious to find out...I guess I went a little crazy over it.

Rin:...Alright....But please for now on...Just tell me anything...If anything is troubling you. Please come to me I'm your older brother. I know I'm not much help because I screw things up. But I do anything to keep you safe...So please...Don't block me out anymore...

Yukio: N-Nii-san....Thank you...

Rin:-Smiles- Sure thing.

Everyone smiled at the two at they look at each other with a comfortable silence....Until...

Nemu: Boring....

Bon: Shut up! You ruin the moment!!

Nemu: Whatever bastard!

Bon: What you just call me?!

Konekomaru: Calm down Bon. He isn't worth it!

Bon: Alright....

Izumo: Finally. I'm continuing now....Oh...It's Okumura...Actually this time it's has many quotes.


Izumo: "I'm going to become an Exorcist... and kick Satan's butt!" -Rin Okumura

Everyone started laughing. Mephisto made a smirk because he remember this quote. He heard it the first time he and Rin met during Shiro's funeral. Rin did put on quite an amusement for him.

Izumo: Next quote..."I haven't been screaming all these years. Maybe this life is overrated...But I won't let the world burn around me."-Rin Okumura.

Another silence echoed throughout the classroom.

Yukio: Rin....

Rin: Just move on....

Izumo nods.

Izumo: "I may not look it...But I'm serious about this too...I really want to grow up, make myself respectable..."-Rin Okumura.

Shiemi: Rin...Do you really feel that way as well...

Rin: Well of course...No one took me seriously...Everyone just think I'm some obnoxious idiot that would mess everything up.

Just hearing that made Yukio feel more guilty. He wasn't the only one. Surprisely Bon had a look of regret. He remember all those times he always though Rin was an idiot. He even call him names for failing in his classroom. He felt like a bully...He feels that he really needs to start thinking about others feelings...Espically Rin...

Izumo: Moving on. "You can bad-mouth as much as you want. BUT DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANOTHER WORD ABOUT MY BROTHER!"-Rin Okumura.

Shima: When did you say that?

Rin: ...That happend at the time when the bullies were saying bad-things about Yukio...Before I ended up unleashing the flames...


Izumo: There's more..."You trusted me so I'll trust you too. That's what being friends mean. Doesn't it"?-Rin Okumura.

Everyone smiled at that quote. Maybe things would be great if they start trusting Rin more despite him being the son of Satan. For now on, they'll never judge a book by it's cover.

Izumo: Moving on again. "Life's a bitch. So if it's easy. Your doing it wrong."-Rin Okumura.

Everyone: Wow....

Rin:-Smiles- Even I know life is hard.

Everyone nods including Yukio. His Nii-san really was amazing.

Izumo: Okay I'm done. Who else wants to read.

Shima: Me!

Bon: Hmph. Why should we let you read traitor.

Surprisely, Shima glared at him.

Shima: Shut it.


Shima walked up to the entry and begin to read.

Shima: It's about Okumura again.

Shura: Damn Kid, how many entries do you have?!

Rin:....-Chuckles Nervously-

Shima: Dear Diary. I am called a demon again. Please Stop...No more...



Shima: Moving on...Another one from Okumura. But it looks brand new. Dear Diary, friends and family only exist to break promises.

Yukio: Rin...

Rin: Just ignore that...I'm over it now....


Mephisto: Alright break time~! We'll continue tomorrow~! Goodnight my fellow exwires~!


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